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2000-07-10 - 02:32:53

ya know, a lot of what happened today i dont feel comfortable telling you people. its not that i dont like you or anything, its just that its a little personal. but the unclassified version i guess i will tell.

i woke up today, and then my parents asked if was doing anything and to tell them that instant cause they went to go work on the calenders for all of you ass holes out there who dont even appreciate them. but anyway, because of them leaving so early in the morning, i had to call erin and ask if she wanted to go see Fantasia 2000. it turns out i accidentally woke up erin. which i wasnt going to do cause i planned on calling later in the day. so, because of me calling so early, she didnt want to go. and this was the last frickin week it's playing i think. argh! i wanted to go see that movie so baddly, but i cant go see a movie by myself, i feel queer. i need someone to make comments to. hmph. i spent the morning watching boring tv and finsihing my hw i kept just in case a situation like this arose. isnt that something. i can predict myself being bored. thats pathetic... oh, i also watched GI Blues staring Elvis Presley. i like elvis. thats a good movie. even if it is the only elivs movie i've ever seen...

well, anyways, i sat around till 4 when i went running with epiph. i sprinted the first mile or so, then i died cause i stoped. when i run, if i stop, i cant get back into the groove. it really gets my goat. i need to be able to stop and go, but noooo, i have to be the kind of person who cant stop otherwise they cant get back into it. stupid legs. i should go running more. its good stress reliefe. but i dont have the discipline. stupid mind. oh well... i'll entertain you through my various acts of stupidity later. buh-bye.

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