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2000-07-18 - 02:42:15

I feel dizzy right now. its kinda cool... im striping my cane. with chemicals! it takes long time though. and its monotonous. so im waiting till my head clears to go back and kill more brain cells.

i think i damaged my ear drums today in class. in the last few minutes of class i turned my CD player up to 10 and listened to some loud music. my ears were ringing after that.

oh, i also got my issue for marine corps leadership school! i cant wait to go!! i want to go... i'm afraid of the marines but i want to go. oh well... i guess all i can do is wait and see.

i get to go to a court room tomorrow. it'll be my first time, but not my last.

my life has just gotten so boring since the football players started to leave me alone. i guess its a blessing in disguise. but i want stuff to happen to me. its a bad thing though to wish stuff to happen. its like the old chinese curse "may your life be full of excitement."

Previously on - Currentlier

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