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2000-07-19 - 03:07:18

I had a good day.

First off, i woke up on my own, so i wasnt so tired as i would be. then, when i was walking to my mom's car, i found $5 in my pocket! that made my day all by its self.

Then, when i got to school, i had fun bothering crystal about her ears. they remind me of mr. inouye's cause they connect at the bottom of the lobe to the rest of the head.

then we went to the courts. that was fun. i liked the mock trial. i was head juror and i got to speak into the mic. and those seats are so comfortable. and in the jury dilliberation room i found a penny so i took it. i also drew all over the legal note pad that i found in there. oh! and when we were at the district courts detention cells, i was playing with the sink and toilet. i couldnt figure out how to flush the toilet cause i tried the knob on the side, but that didnt work, and neither did any button looking like objects i tried either. but oh well...

oh, i also got a free name tag which im gonna use for Marine Corps Leadership School. which brings me to my next point.

I got a new set of sweat clothes. black fleece Champion sweats. nice... i like em. and they're really warm too. i mean, really warm.

okay, well thats about it. oh, i also got a catolog which has electronica music! im so happy. it has three moby CD's which come out to a total of $25. i think i can scrounge up that kinda money in a while. if not, i'll call in early b-day presents. but if not, oh well... okay, well im going now, bye!

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