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2000-07-20 - 02:34:56

"Girls are stupid. Guys are stupid.

"Girls are stupid to bother with guys. Guys are stupid to bother with girls."

Those words were in Jenna's last diary entry as of me reading this. And i must say, those are perhaps some of the most intelligent thing words i have ever heard anyone mutter. (appologies to Jenna if those words were not muttered.) But i still believe that those words are perhaps the most enlightening and well put words i have ever heard. Lets analyze this from my point of view.

"Girls are stupid." no argument.

"Guys are stupid." again. no argument.

"Girls are stupid to bother with guys." I agree. why bother with us? what do we have to offer to women? girls complain about us not being this or that, but yet they come time and time again.

"Guys are stupid to bother with girls." I agree once more. what do we expect to get from girls? we expect so much when we know deep in our minds and hearts that we will never get what we reach for.

We are both stupid for reaching for one another. human to human relationships are good for only one thing. procreation. after that, what else do we have to look forward to? we've already fulfilled our purpose in life, to create little beings of us to carry on our name and genetic codes right? so why continue on looking for that ever elusive "true love"? is there a true purpose of this thing they call true love? me? i have no clue what so ever. I am not sure if i am knowledgeable enough on the subject to speak about it. how can i speak of something when i do not even know if i know first hand what it is? exactly. one cannot.

When i see someone speak of something they have not themselves experienced, but speak about it as if they know what it is, i call them stupid. when you see a teacher talk about something they do not know about, what do you call them? stupid. its the same principle here. i cannot talk to anyone about love, becuase i do not know if i know what it really is. that is all there is to it.

what happened today in school?

well, lets see... i'll just put it as i remember. i was talking to shannon and whitney. they both agreed that i (a) have no ass (b) have a femine figure and (c) have femine shoulders. whitney said that if i work out on my shoulders and pecs, it wouldnt be so bad. i really should lift. but im so poor i cant buy weights and im too lazy too.

oh, i also made trang and sze na and man ki all p.o.'ed at me for being p.o.'ed at them for talking about my cooking. if they had just shut up about my cooking i wouldnt have been p.o.'ed at them. but nooooo. they had to keep talking about my god damned cooking. and fucking hell! all we were making was grilled cheese sandwiches! i made the outside toasty and they say i burnt it. fuck them. good thing today was the last day we cook. other wise i'd be so fucking pissed... hmph. fuck em all...

oh! today was the last episode of gundam wing. i wonder if they're gonna go on to the three episode prequel/sequel. i hope they do, cause they say the gundams all look different. like the wing zero has angle like wings. it looks cool, i want to see it. i hope they play it...

oh, and today, what got me and whitney and shannon into the conversation about how i look was when melissa said something. she said something very provocative. something that got me thinking...

she said that im skinnier than her.

isnt that rediculous? i think it is. its only so obvious that shes skinnier than me. everyone agrees with me too. everyone but her. it really bothers me that she thinks im skinnier than her too. i think im annorexic. i think im fat all the time. i know im skinny, but i still think i can stand to lose a few more pounds.

dear god... i'm turning into a girl!!! no. not physically. nor mentally really. its just that im getting some of the psyche of one. and its really messed up. argh... oh well... some days the bear eats you, some days you eat the bear. and as a request by jenna, i have decided to put up the adress to her diary. i would make it a link, but i dont know how. but she said she was told how, but wasnt sure if she could do it again. okay, now go to her diary.

Previously on - Currentlier

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