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2000-07-21 - 03:12:54

are jenna and i the only people who update our diaries on a daily schedule? well, i'll get my vengence on you free loaders. im not gonna be home from sunday till the next sunday. ha ha... suckers.

im gonna play risk in class tomorrow! i cant wait! me, leo, and ching, we actually did pretty good on the stuff according to miss ching. and we had the shortest briefest one! it was amazing what we got away with. he he he. i didnt do anything for the whole project except correct the papers. and i had to learn the answers with the rest of the class. so i learned as the class learned. that was fun.

oh, and last night i stayed up and helped erin with her project. my reasoning was, "hell, if im not gonna do anything for my project, i might as well do someone elses." so i helped her look for the color and flower for niihau. and it turned out to be benaficial. i knew almost all the answers to the worksheet they handed out to us because of the searching i did for her. oh, and just to let you know, the color is grey and the flower is the hinahina, it is also known as the forbidden island and is 45 sq. miles.

learn something new every day.

i have nothing else to say.

Previously on - Currentlier

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