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2000-07-23 - 13:18:24

Hey y'all.

Well, in a few hours, im gonna be off to marine corps leadership school. i feel kinda queasy. i think its just that since i dont know what to expect, im feelin a bit of.... fear aint the word, but i guess apprehension would be best to fit this feeling. im a little apprehensive about going. when ever i dont know whats going on or what to expect, i get this feeling. i guess its normal, but... ya know?

well, lets talk about last night. i went to go see Loser with emily m., oki, and kim. it wasnt that good of a movie, but it wasnt that bad either. but im not gonna go see it again. and at the ultra zone at pearl highlands, its weird. they have a sign, 10 cents a token, but to play a game like time crisis, its 8 tokens. i know its cheaper than most places, but thats kinda odd aint it? i think so... but then again, what do i know?

well, now its time for the "one-week good byes."

Oki- bye.

erin- bye.

jenna- bye.

kawada- bye.

genipher- bye.

kelsey- bye.

kerin- bye.

melissa- bye.

blair- bye.

darsie- bye.

kim- bye.

cindy- bye.

crystal- bye.

was that everyone? probably not. but oh well. if i missed you, feel free to put your name up in the gb. just use the same format as i did. it shouldnt be too difficult to figure out.

i still feel apprehensive. my tummy is growling. ugh. this feels weird. i didnt even feel this the first time i went to spring camp. i guess its because i've heard stories about marines. and of marine corps leadership school. hmm... i really am having second thoughts. but its too late now for them, thats the good thing. its too late to turn back. heh, thats probably one of the few things keeping me in line. that and i dont want Sgt. koki to have the impression that im a pussy. gotta show that mother fucker whos boss. well, i guess i should be going now... if im gonna throw up, i might as well, be ready and waiting for it. im gonna miss y'all for this one week. i'll try and see y'all when i get back, ya hear? i get back on sunday, so be prepared for me to call or IM y'all. see, y'all laters.

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