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2000-07-30 - 05:41:15


I am so frickin happy to be back home. in a bed where no one else is in the room. in a bed w/o the fear of a troop handler walking in and yelling "Wake UP!!! Hurry up and get down for morning P.T.! Your moving too slow! Pick it up!" (dang... i can still hear CPL. Wilkinson's voice saying that.) in a bed where i can sleep as late as i god damned want to. instead of having to wake up at 4 A.M. well... actually, the waking up part wasnt so bad as being cold outside at that time in the morning. Sgt. Maj. Ah Chick said we were on sleep deprevation. i didnt really think so. i got on average... 6 hours of sleep. that aint so bad. last night i had only 4, i was all good. sleep dep doesnt really affect me till i get only like 2 hours of sleep. lets see, what else is good about being home. i dont have to be around some really stupid people... or haole people who have no maners or military bearing. some of em are so frickin stupid! god damn... i cant explain it in words... you have to see the motions that go with it...

the only thing that i really missed was the electronics... yeah, the tv. the computer. the fans that i can control instead of the whole squad bay uses it. ah... no place like home.

well, lets get down to what happened at camp.

sunday- we had a P.T. test. that was okay... it consisted of push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, standing long jump (i got 7'10"!), and a 300 yard shuttle run. we also watched a movie with Jack Webb in it as part of a class. ("the D.I. Movie").

Monday- we went to go see the MP Dogs. those dogs are cool! the can bite and run. you can swing them around and they wont let go. they dont do the thrashing shit, they bite and clamp! un-real... we also went to this marina place on base, and we got to paddle in zodiac rafts. i had to help flip the boat (intentionally). so, our instructor gives us the commands to get outta the boat, but i need to stay in to help him flip the boat, then the two of us stand up and prepare to flip the boat. so we're both standing there, pulling back on the rope to flip it. but im too lite, so the two of us just fall into the water. so he hauls me back onto the boat and we finally are able to flip it over. but since it was too hard for me to help him flip the boat, he wont have me help him again. :p and thats all the interesting stuff for that day.

tuesday- He he he... i liked this day! this day we had all the fun stuff. the "O" course (obstacle course), rappel tower, and the gas chamber! we hit the gas chamber first. they had us in MOPP II gear. which is a suit that protects one from gas, rubber over boots, and a gas mask. the gas mask doesnt really seal the gas from getting the back of your neck.

when we went into the room and they started to burn the CS (tear gas), i could feel this prickly heat on my hands (cause we didnt have gloves on) and the back of my neck. it wasnt too bad, then they told us to do a little exercises so we'ed know that our masks would stay on our faces. then they had us break the seal! so we broke the seal, and they had us put it back on. that wasnt too bad. cept for the part where my mask would seal properly cause it was too loose. so one of the instructors had to tighten it for me on my head. its not too bad. the dosage we had was really little though. when we were walking out, we were told that we could walk out w/o the masks if we wanted too. well, me and tiff saw deyson walk out all peachy w/o his mask. so i thought, "okay, he may be better than me, but i can try." i took my mask off, i started to sing the alma matter, and then i started to gag. and cough. and tear. that was it though. i would do it again if i could. :) after that, we hit the "O" course. i hurt myself. i got a strawberry on my right arm. but we got taken away early to go to the rappel tower. the way the marines rappel is stupid. they dont bound down the wall, they run down backwards. its retarded how they tie the seats too. its the same god damned way as the army in the end, but they do it differently. its stupid. dumb marines. oh, also on this day, one guy hurt himself being stupid. he fell down a little ways of the rope cause he was trying to impress the First Sgt.

Wednesday- Ack... we had the Water Survival Test that day... i hate swimming cause i cant dive. and we had to dive. i had to force my floating head 12 feet under water to pick up a 7 lb. dummy rifle. it took my like 4 or 5 try's. stupid air head. but the ISMT was fun! Individual Simulated Marksmanship Traning. Its a fake-ish gun hooked up to a computer and a BIG CO2 tank. this thing is like the size of a scuba tank man. well, the gun works just like a real gun would, and you shoot at a screen, and a laser in the gun records where you hit on the screen. i got to use the 9mm pistol. it wasnt that bad. but i wish i coulda played with the others too. there was an M-16, a shot gun, and two different machine guns. i liked that thing. after that we did job shadowing. i went to the ammunition supply point. its funny cause the guys who took us around told us to find a job in the military that will help us on the out side, so they all said go work in computers. oh, we also went bowling too. that was okay. i finally broke 100! its like the first time ever-ish i broke 100.

thrusday- we did our second Physical Fitness Test. tiff got 149 push-ups. then we went to pearl harbor later in the morning. that was stupid. we did this thing called a wet trainer where you have to try to stop a simulated leak on a boat. i got totally fucked up there. the water they said was going to be 82 degrees. it wasnt. it was cold. i couldnt stop shivering in that water. and i also got a pair of shoes soaked. i mean drenched. they went completely in the water. submerged. ack. then we took a boat tour of Pearl Harbor. which i had already done last year at BLC. i fell sleep a few times. after taht we practiced for graduation that night and that was it.

friday- morning run we had was simple. then we had graduation. deyson and tiff got top male and female pt scores so they got a nice bowl. i didnt win shit. it was on that day i concluded that i was the black sheep from roosevelt there. deyson and tiffany, they got special awards. what do i get? the same thing as everyone else. the two of them got hit on by other people. what do i get? i coulda been hit on. litterally. i get into a verbal verging on physical fight with another guy. its just sad at the shit i get. after that we had base liberty. MSG. Koki took the three of us to McDonalds and treated us to lunch. then he took us to the PX. i bought a CD and video. i now owe deyson $20 because of that. after that we went to Polynesian Cultural Center. that was cool. they had a fire knife portion of the show. but before that the three of us were walking around and the troop handlers and First Sgt. Thornton were supposedly following us around. then we walk into one store, and Cpl. Wilkinson calls me over and points to a tiki like thing with a piece of cloth over its crotch. "hey, whadaya think is under there? do you think they would actually carve anything there?"

"uh... i dunno sir?"

"go look."

"okay sir... *scuttles over to tiki and lifts cloth*"

*laughter from everyone around us*

"okay... i think i'll just go over there now..." under the cloth is a wooden penis.

saturday- today we got up at 6 a.m. two more hours of sleep! but we also had some shit. we took a bus tour of the pali look out where people were spitting and throwing shit on the pali. one guy spit and hit a guy in the face behind him with a wad of phlegm. when we got to diamond head. as we were leaving, the bus broke. so we then got behind schedule. but the bus worked again so we went out waikiki for a stupid scavenger hunt. we got held back again cause the new bus was again late. after the bus came we went out to Hanauma Bay. me and deyson stole a bottle of over priced water. then we went back to waikiki for the S.O.S. (Society Of Seven) show. that was funny. our First Sgt. had to go up and do a little act. he was angry before, but after the act, where he had to "strip," he had a wad of $1 bills from all the cadets who went up there to hand him money. then we went back to the barracks and me and tiff and deyson left. that brings me to now. sunday. where im still up instead of sleeping. he he he. stupid i am.

hmm... what else? oh yeah, the troop handlers. lets see...

there was CPL.'s Thomas, Rosa, Wilkinson, Poole, and LCP.'s Wall and something else i dont remember cause she was never there. CPL.'s Thomas, Rosa, Wilkinson, and Poole, i do remember. especially CPL. Wilkinson. he was the most sterotypical marine i ever met. he was big. he was blonde. he had a voice that could make thunder soft. and he always used the word "frickin." then there were the other guys, First Sgt. Thornton and Sgt. Maj. Ah Chick who are the Castle JRTOC instructors. 1SG Thornton is funny. he kept causing trouble to tiff for knowing a previos gradutate, Kim Hoole. and thats all i can think of saying for now. if you want to know more about my week, just ask me. i aint got nuthin better to do. well, i think this is long enough. so... bye bye.

Quote of the Entry:

"It's easy to be hard. It's hard to be smart."

First Sgt. Thornton on doing the smart thing verses looking and acting tough.

Previously on - Currentlier

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