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2000-08-08 - 02:45:00

I woke up at 530 this morning.

thats really early.

i woke up and shaved my head and face and took a shower in less than 30 minutes.

that was in the wee hours of the morning too.

very early.

I like having short hair.

In BLC we did mock counseling sessions.

I was the counselor.

I got a bit too angry for my own good.

I told the counselee to shut up and sit down.

But other than that I maintained my cool.

I went swimming for about an hour and a half today.

That was fun.

I came home and slept for a long time too.

When I woke up I thought I had slept for a whole day.

Well, that was my day.

Oh yeah, before I forget.

Crystal is mad about yesterdays "Joke of the Entry."

Don't get me wrong.

I'm not appologizing.

I just thought it'd be interesting to say that.


And she also calls me "Satan."



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