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2000-08-09 - 03:23:13

i had a totally lax day today.

in the morning, i did my usual routine of waking up at 530 and shaving my head, showering, etc... i also ate a big breakfast today. i ate like 4 waffles. then i went to BLC.

at BLC i was kinda just fucking around. i dont take that class seriously. infront of the insturctors too. thats bad. i briefed the class twice on stuff we had to do. so yeah. then we had to do a lil bit of PT. i just fucked around there too.

then i went out in front of the school and sat. and read. for and hour and a half. waiting for the SAT prep class to come out. then trevor and dane and erin all saw my bald head for the first time. they hadn't seen it before. i didnt even realize that. it was kinda cool. then melissa and blair and jenna were trying to bargin with aaron for a ride to ala moana. it turns out they bought him lunch to do that. its kinda funny when i think about it. a few months back, say towards the middle of the school year, im sure he woulda done it for free as a "favor to melissa." if you dont understand, he woulda done it for melissa because he liked/likes her. all this is un-confirmed information. im just getting it from what i can make up.

so we got our ride there, and then we did a little bit more planning. i did a little bit of swearing (by little bit i mean a hell of a lot) towards the football team. i also have decided that i am going to make a sign that says "KICK ROOSEVELT'S ASS!" or "FUCK UP ROOSEVELT!"

I really hate our football team.

then me and jenna went to brian's. i played video games and then later on in the night i got suckered into playing a game of pool. then i won. i beat genipher and kim. twice. and i havent even played pool in at least 5 years. AT LEAST.

i then ate a side order of rice at like like drive inn.

then i went home.

Happy Moments of the Entry:

Kawada informs me that Kenny has been cut from the football team.

I beat genipher and kim at two games of pool outta three.

Previously on - Currentlier

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