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2000-08-10 - 02:55:17

Today i slept in.

i woke up at like 620. thats really late for me now. i didnt get to cut my hair this morning. i spent all day feeling how long my hair is. it really irks me how long it is.

i went to BLC today, we didnt do shit.

i came home, and cleaned up my room. its all pretty now for my grandma whos comming on saturday. i hope i dont fuck it up before then...

then carlie, tiff a., and tara came over to my house to see my head. they were all suprsied.

then i went over to carlie's house w/ them. she lent me the gundam series! happy happy joy joy. then she gave me a ride home. which is just up the street...

oh well.

i hate life.

Previously on - Currentlier

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