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2000-08-12 - 04:12:24

I am really pissed right now.

ching yee IM'ed me tonite looking for some answers. she was asking me about something about rangers and i gave her my answer. and then we talked about it for a while, and then we got into how epihani was talking about how she doesnt like rangers or something and how ching doesnt want to be in it. so i told her to just flat out tell her that she doesnt want to be in rangers. and then she (ching) said something about how shes done that already and i told ching to just tell epiphani in flat out plain old language (swearing) that she doesnt want to be there. and then she said something about how im not a human cause i dont have a conscience. that pissed me off so i told her fuck you, warned her, and put her on my block list.

its not right to go and talk to someone seeking advice and then call them in-human! its just not fucking right! you just do not call them in-human and expect everythin to be the same! what the fuck is her fucking problem. this is why i dont like rotc. the ass holes in it are fucking fucked up. this is the shit i need to deal with. i just dont want to be a part of an organization like that. i wish i could quit. its just fucking unreal at the shit i have to take there. argh!!!

i also had a bad day prior. i went on the battleship missouri today. the thing is, i had my shoes all spit-shinned (not real spit) and they were good to go. but the stupid ship made my shoes scuffed and my belt buckle scratched. im mad. not to mention the dirt on the track made my shoes a bit dirty too. so... grr...

then after school i went to the post office by the airport. while there my mom managed to lose the keys to the car. and then we had to call my dad to bring the extra set. so we have one set of keys to the new car. its all we actually need, but its an inconvenience. fuck today.

i also went bowling. i broke 100. thats good. i also went to kim's house to play tony hawk while we waited to go to the movies with kerin, brandon, jenna, and coryn. we went to go see bless the child. it was okay. kinda gratouitious killing in one or two scenes. coryn was disturbed. i was midly disturbed, but otherwise peachy. yeah, and thats my day.

im still angry. fuck ching yee.

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