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2000-08-19 - 05:26:42

i saw godzilla 2000.

i frickin fell asleep in it cause it was so damn cold. i've never been so cold in a god damned theater before. it frickin blew my mind.

i went to see it w/ kim and oki. kims cool. she wakes up and drives places and stuff for us. neato dorrito.

after the movie we went to burger king and then we went to my house to watch toonami. i like gundam wing. it kicks ass.

then we went to kerin's house. but before we got there we dropped oki off at stevenson.

when we got to kerins house we watched tv and played on the internet. then kim went to go pick up genipher and bring her back to kerin's house. so while she was gone i was throwing cards at kerin and making her angry while she and i were talking to coryn over the phone.

when they came back we decided to go bowling. so we figured it all out and then left for waiale bowl. on the way we got the idea to ask emily to join us. so she said okie-dokes and said she'd meet us.

so we got to the alley, and guess what. league bowling. so we waited till emily came and then we played some video games and yeah. then we hit all the food places except for balle on that little strip.

after hitting them we went to this beach. very pretty.

while we were there, we think we saw two gay guys. but we wont elaborate on that.

so we were running around on the beach and stuff. i was being introvertive. its kinda fun to be like that. so yeah.

and then we dropped off emily and went to kerins house to play truth. that was fun. and then we all left for home when the guard kicked us off the are we were at.

that was my day.

Previously on - Currentlier

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