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2000-08-31 - 03:44:26

today... today was a good day.

but it sure took a long time to get that way.

in the morning, i completely crashed in math. i fell asleep so baddly. i missed the entire lecture. and it was on something i didnt know. oh fuck me.

then in rotc, i did the briefing thing. but man was i tired when i did it...

in english. i sat in the "C" student row. that was fun. i had fun back there.

then in spanish 2 i made fun of shelby as usual. and i also tried brown nosing to Sra. Teramoto on my last day in that class.

in psych today. i barely even showed up to class. me and blair waited by Mr. Sasaki's class to get our schedules changed to get into peer ed. so we talked to nicole while we waited. and then we got into his office and he changed blair's, but was a little hessitant on mine cause he wasnt sure if i should drop spanish 2 now. but i got in anyway. so yeah...

in period 6 i completely bombed out. i mean, i crashed like no body's business. i didnt even realize i had fallen asleep until class was over when i woke up. damn... i swear... i think i am becoming narcoleptic or something. this is cool!

well, anyways... after school i went to go pick up my SAT scores from last year and i had an extremly high reading level,but my math sucked ass. but my reading was so high, it supprised kyle, and he said it was good too. high praise from an odd genius.

oh. and i also proved something to melissa that i've been arguing w/ her over the whole summer. some background for you poor people who dont know the whole story:

during summer school, melissa said i was skinny, and that i was skinnier than her. i just could not believe this. so i went around getting various peoples oppinion. and everyone i asked agreed with me that she was skinnier than me. but she would not go for this. so she continued to say so. i will admit, i am skinny, but not as skinny as melissa is. but even when darsie, her buddy, said that shes probably skinnier than me, melissa would still not go for it. so i decided to settle it today. once and for all. at the student gov meeting. "measure out at the student gov meeting." i asked Mrs. Teruya for a peice of string. i got it. i let out a yard or so of string. i ripped it off. i had her wrap it around her waist where she felt comfortable. then kyle marked the spot. i wrapped it around my waist. i was fatter. "no, you have to go higher!" she says. so higher i go, i even let her tell me how high. im still fatter. not by much, but still fatter. then she gets desparate. she starts to wrap it for me pulling on the string to make an effort to try and salvage herself. its no use. we all know the answer. shes skinnier than me. i win!!!

then after the meeting, me, kyle, jenna, and melissa and blair all go out by the plumeria trees to wait for their rides and i go out there as an excuse to not go home. so while we're waiting i start to climb trees and then i notice one branch that i can do pull ups on. so i start and then melissa decides she wants to try. so she does a few sets of one. and then i start trying to get melissa to crank out as many as she can. so i finally get her to agree to do as many as she can, w/ her palms facing her and she only has to go down to her eye brows instead of locking her elbows. i made it so easy for her. she ended up w/ 11 cause i gave her one. so because she did 11 i cant do my little devil thingy for 11 weeks starting next week. jenna's angry cause she needs to do it twice as much to make up for me. but oh well. i got to see melissa doing physical work. its kinda funny cause shes straining and stuff to do it the easy way. and she swims too so i think she should have traps right? oh well... shows how much i know eh?

Previously on - Currentlier

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