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2000-09-01 - 02:53:23

god damnit.

rotc is pissing me off.

today they took one of my tech crew people off my team so he can learn to count shirts and stack boxes.

fuck the s-4 position.

i so seriously cant compete with the shit they do to me.

fuck rotc.

stupid shits.

period one. i think i stayed awake today. i cant rememeber.

period two. i did the briefing in thing.

period three... i sat in the "c" student row again. its my new seat i think. yippie for me. but then again, we were in there for a few minutes at best. then we went to scarci's room. i think i'm set that im gonna go to a 2 year JR. college and join the military. stupid ryan still gonna join the military.

period 4... peer ed. stupid class. really frickin stupid. i mean... dumb as fucking rocks stupid. and not just any rocks, not even the rock that jenna tells us to go kick. but its the god damned rocks that you shit on when your bored. (no, i dont look for rocks to shit on. i shit in the toilet, where im supposed to). i swear to go theres only three people in that class that i know. blair, chirs mols, and kristen kato. i dont know anyone else. oh sure, i may know their names (sorta) but not who they are personally. and the frickin activites that we do! they sereve no purpose in my eyes. they're just plain and utterly stupid. i just dont get it.

period 5. i swear. i am really begining to dis like this class. and its all because we only have a substitute teacher. if we actually had lectures, i might learn something, other than that, the shit we do now days, im not learning shit from it. pisses me off.

period 6... oh man... did i crash again. i swear, i dont know how i do it. i just crash like no bodys business. its frickin unreal.

after school, emergency pre-planned meeting for the welcome back assembly. second one for the day too. we're really going hard core on this thing. its un real. then after that, me, melissa, jenna, and kyle walked down to my house so i could pick up my rifle for air riflery today. so we were bull shitting in my house till 10 till 4 when we started back for roosevelt. on the way back, i carried melissa books like a slave would. im a freakin whipped little boy. i'll do anything for a girl. well, maybe not anything, but i'll sure do a lot. beats me why. i aint gonna get no girl. oh well. then when we got to school, we had like half an hour till practice officially started so i drifted between the team and kim, cindy, julie, and jenna who were playing cards by the flag pole. then we went into the drivers ed room where jenelle did some stuff for the new shooters and coach took us older guys up to the range.

i fuckin suck ass. i shot so shitty in standing today. frickin 2 shots were zeros and two were 3's and only a few were worth shit. i swear to go. i shot only a 54 outta 100. fuck me man... i aint worth the shit i shoot.

yeah, that was my day. fucked up the ass is what it was. only a god damned fifty fucking four.

Previously on - Currentlier

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