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2000-09-02 - 03:28:25

man... today was freakin off.

i started the day arguing w/ my fucking mother who thinks that its abnormal not to eat even after the fucking doctor said it was okay!

i got to school early-ish so we could practice for the welcome back assembly. that didnt go too well. teruya was late, and dudoit didnt show up till like 740. so yeah, we didnt get much done.

then i went to alge. i didnt do shit there.

then i went to rotc. did nothing there either.

then i went to Mrs. D's room to get ready for the assembly. me and kyle scared the freshmen in there by changing over shirts. beats me why. i had clothes on the whole time. and then we went down to the auditorium for get ready for the damn thing.

when we got there we were scrambling to do things. tape this, set this up, blah blah blah. yada yada yada. and then the people started comming in. its funny. i remember it, i just cant put it in words. well yeah, the first assembly started then the frosh went. then the sophs, then us. boom. i went up w/ the MIB theme, then i had to run off stage, but i didnt have enough time to change into my other thing for darth vader. so i had to improvise and go out w/o full clothing for the role. so that was fucked up. and then the audio wasnt loud enough. but when your head is in a trash can, everything you say seems loud. so i couldnt tell. and then i had to run off stage again and do my mulder and scully thing. which didnt go over too badly as the other one did. then i had to run off stage again and get ready for our finisher. that wasnt so bad. but it wasnt that great either. but i think the crowd liked our idea of throwing glow sticks.

then we had to start the second one. this time, we were prepared for what was to come. i decided not to do the MIB theme, and just get ready for the darth vader. this time i was prepared cause i found out that i wasnt loud enough. so i had to yell inside that damn thing. it was loud enough so i could hear myself twice. it was pretty cool. and then i left the stage. and then i went back on for my mulder and scully dig. i got killed so i left again. and then i went back on for our finisher. the butt thingy. the second on went so much better than the first. but they still sucked ass. oh well.

then i had to go to peer ed. which was gay. that class is so gay. i fuckin hate it. stupid stupid stupid class.

after that me and blair went to psych. i ended up talking to blair and amy. and i also found out that shannon k. is gonna be in our class. fun fun fun.

then we went to physics. i dont remember that class too clearly. i cant remember if i fell asleep or not. i think i did after i finished all my work. oh well...

then after school i missed an appointment. i was supposed to go get my blood pressure tested but the traffic was hell. cause i caught a ride w/ kim, cindy, jenna, and gen. so we had to drop gen off at work. by the time i got to the office, it was 20 minutes later than my appointment time and the office was closing. oh fucking well. so i had to walk home w/ two garmet bags, two shoe boxes and my back pack which isnt too light. oh fucking well. the story of my fucking life. i just cant win.

then when i get home i slept for maybe 90 minutes. and then i took a shower and when i got out, and started watching seven (good movie), my mom said i was grounded. i managed to talk my way outta this too. but it wasnt really worth it. i really am begining to hate life more than i used to. and its funny cause im not so vocal about it as i once was. im more into the quieter i hate life. i really want to die though. oh well. cant win em all. money says im gonna live forever.

oh, and oki thinks he can get a girl before i can. who knows... he probably will cause im in a bunch of platonic friendships. and besides, girls dont like me "that way." its cuase im so ugly and appalling. im an ass hole.

oh well. i go now.

Previously on - Currentlier

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