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2000-09-03 - 03:23:01

i am back in business.

but i will elaborate on that later.

i went to aikido today. im getting way too old for that.

then i came home and got ready for oki to pick me up to go to "kerin and jenna's back to school party." so oki picked me up and off we went to bellows.

when we got there we went straight to bothering people.

i think i started off bothering coryn, then i went to jenna, then kerin, then back to coryn, and then ah i forget. well, either way, it got boring fast for me and oki since im not a swimming type of person. i like my rifle. i feel more comfortable on stable, unmoving land. holding a rifle and shooting things. i like to shoot things. it makes me feel better. well anyway... me and oki left at about 145-ish and went to riflery.

when we got to riflery oki and kato decided to play w/ their rifles while i got down to serious shooting. i really wanna hit high marks this year, so i really need to get my shit together. if not, im fucked. kato's gonna beat me and then im in trouble. especially since i taught him the basics when we were freshmen. i taught him how to shoot so damn well, so now i need to protect my pride by not allowing the student to beat the teacher. we've tied for top score last season so now we need to settle this shit once and for all. im gonna beat his ass into the ground man.

well, anyway. at practice, i shot a 245. thats about what i wanna shoot on average. thats a lot higher than the average OIA shooter. the average OIA shooter hits maybe a 220 on a really good day. and the better OIA shooters hit 230's every so often. and the kalani ass holes hit 230's on average. so i want to be better than them, if not on a team level, at least on an individual basis. if not kalani, then at least kato. but hey, im gonna do one of em this year, i know it. hell, maybe i'll get so good i can like get to shoot almost as good as st. louis. ALMOST as good. but that im a little worried about, shooting almost as good as them is a big feat. they hit like 270-280. and here i am happy about a 245. but oh well. they have better equpiment and coaches who have more qualifications. not that coach urabe is bad, hes a great coach, but he just doesnt have the same ammount of time as their coaches do. and then theres also the matter of how they can recruit people. so... yeah. they have more opportunities than we do. but hey, we manage.

right now im talking to kim, she thinks she can beat my all time longest sleeping record. ONE WHOLE DAY. 24 fucking hours straight, sleeping. not once did i gain conciousness to piss, shit, eat, drink, answer the phone. nothing. 24 hours sleeping. i like that. so we put a bet on it. if she can beat my record, i have to treat her to a movie and food. and we also sorta betted on whos gonna stay up longer. man, we're betting on who can sleep longer and who cant. its all messed up if you ask ryan. pero, es todos bien.

okay well, ryan's done with crap to write about so ryan says "adios." adios.

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