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2000-09-10 - 02:45:52

i avoided manual labor as much as possible today.

i woke up at like 7 a.m. for the stupid campus clean up shit. and its all cause my mom was working there too that i was there so early. if it wasnt for her working there too, i wouldve woken up at like, 730 and then gone down. oh well. it was for the better.

well, i got there at about 710ish and kinda half slept until about 730 when i went outside and saw melissa and coryn. and no kawada. there is nothing going on between melissa and ryan. well, anyway, since they were the only two people ryan knew there that werent in rotc, ryan decided to tag along w/ the two of them. so ryan tagged along and we signed in and stuff and went looking around to see what we needed to do. so we went to the sign up board and tried to look for jobs that required doing nothing. but we immediately got volunteered to go w/ the rotc idiots, so we kinda left when they werent looking and went w/ my mother to go do the PTSA mail-outs. so we did our part for the school for the first few hours of the clean up by folding papers and putting mailing stickers on them. yup yup. and then coryn, that idiot. its a tri-fold pamphlet, so you fold the bottom up, and then the top down with a little bit of top not quite covering the bottom so you can close it w/ the mailing sticker. she puts the mailing sticker in the middle of the top fold there fore it looses its purpose and doesnt hold the tri-fold closed. she didnt figure it out until she saw what ryan was doing. dang... some people i tell you.

and then ryan went outside to take pictures of the Jr. Class and of ROTC for the web page. so yeah, ryan did his part by folding and stickering papers and taking pictures. but ryan also did his share of the manual labor. ryan picked up trash and dead leaves and stupid trees that werent supposed to be growing there by the senior patio. so yeah, ryan did some labor intensive work and some administrative work too.

after the work was done, we all ate lunch. ryan met taryn. ryan also gor blair angry at kyle cause me and blair had an idea to get all the jr.'s that were still there to take a picture, and we told kyle to go get the mega phone from whom ever had it, but that fuck wouldnt go get it cause he only wanted a picture of the class officers, but i figure, "what the fuck? we're here for the fucking class, so lets serve the fucking class and make them ass holes take a god fucking picture. shit!" but he didnt want to get it, and by then everyone was leaving so fuck it. y'know? shit...

after that ryan, jenna, kerin, kawada, and a few others went into the cafeteria to wash dishes. well, actually only ryan and robyn were washing dishes, cause someone was pre-rinsing the dishes for me and robyn, then me and robyn would pass them to kawada who would rinse the soap and shit off of them and then he would pass it to jenna who would sanatize it (rinse it again w/ hot water) and then she would pass it to kerin who would dry it. so we did that until about 1ish when the dishes stopped comming and we lounged for a while. they gave us popcicles and we B.S.'ed in the cafeteria for a while. so yeah. then everyone left and ryan went down to the field to wait for riflery.

so ryan waited down there until about 2 when coach came and let us all into the room, we all grabbed our equipment and waited for everyone to come, and today, we actually went up to the range on time too. it was cool.

we shot all three today. or at least i did. and god damn, did i shoot good if i do say so myself. 98 prone! thats 98/100. so happy. and i shot a 242/300. shadup oki, i know your saying its shit, but fuck you ass hole. then ryan went around helping people. ryan tried to help erin, but erin's rifle was hopeless. ryan did help her a little, but it could've been cause she was using ryan's baby, his pride and joy. she was using ryans rifle. shes the first person other than ryan to ever shoot his rifle. no one has ever had the honor of shooting his baby. ryan still needs to name his rifle... Ryan will offer a prize to anyone who can think of a GOOD name for his rifle.

but yeah, after practice, jenna's parents gave ryan a ride home and ryan came home and crashed. and continued to sleep till he was woken by his mother. then ryan ate, and ryan showered and ryan slept some more, and ryan then woke up to listen to Eurotek which is what ryan is listening to right now. ryan likes techno. so does shannon. shannon is cool.

okay, well that was ryan's day.

Converstation Exerpt of the Entry:

Ryan: "C'mon Coryn, admit it. Ryan is the best."

Coryn: "Okay, Ryan."

Ryan: "Whoo-Hoo! Coryn admited Ryan is the best."

Coryn: "Yes, Ryan... Ryan is the best."

Ryan: *Smiles at victory*

Previously on - Currentlier

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