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2000-09-11 - 02:35:20

y'know, i get more sleep on sunda during the late morning/early-mid afternoon time.

i woke up at like 830ish today. stupid body clock.

after waking up i ate french toast for breakfast. yummy.

then i did my hw while watching the last 3/4 of the VMA. well, except for the parts w/ in sink, christina agulleria and the sort. i liked the rage performance. rage against the machine kicks ass. the eminem was neat too.

i dont like in sink. they suck.

then i watched more tv. i slept more listening to kpoi.

i like sleeping. but i dont like kpoi so much. their damn email system sucks. that reminds me. if your gonna email me something important. send it to my hotmail.

hmm... yeah, thats basically my day. sleeping, eating, watching tv, sleeping more, doing nuthing. yep. thats how i live my life. snore...

i need a car. i need a license too. some one. make me take drivers ed next quater. i also need to find a way to make sure i can shoot good this year during matches. i need to win top OIA shooter or something. i need to kick the crap outta kalani. kalani needs to go DOWN!

i wonder how kato and oki are gonna do this year. kato is showing signs of sucking. and i havent even seen oki shoot a daisy yet. but at least our team is showing a few signs of good shooters. the freakin maeda's got it in their blood. they both shot good prone's. i bow to them. no. not really. they havent shown me their standing or kneeling yet. if they shoot like 220-230's i will bow in their presence on specific occasions. and if they shoot above 240, i will carry all their shit from the room to the range every freakin practice.

y'know, that reminds me, i need to get julie to go to the military ball w/ leo. i just wanna see the picture. i know y'all do too. so help me convince her to go. then i'll also get jenna to go w/ brian e. that way julie has someone to hang out w/ if she doenst want to hang out w/ leo anymore. y'dig? i need all your help. so help me get julie to go w/ leo dammit! I'll call it Operation JAL. Operation "Julie And Leo." support the cause!

besides, i know y'all really wanna see the picture now that i've planted the idea in your minds. well, i think i've run outta crap to talk about. so i bid thee... fare well.

Previously on - Currentlier

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