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2000-09-12 - 02:51:09

i named my baby. shes got a name now.

i named her crystal. theres a reason behind it so hear me out before you kill me.

okay, once upon a time, when me and crystal were married, i promised her that i'd name my first born after her. and well, since this baby of mine is the closest to it... y'dig?

but shes got a compelete name too. Crystal Misti Okuno. shes mah baby... i love her with all my heart. heh... im obsessed. so sad...

well, lets see... my day.

i went to school and practiced drill team. that was fun. i always love drill team.

then in period one... did the work/sleep thing.

period two... did the work/fuck around thing.

period three... did the fuck around/work thing. also called oki a queer and a homosexual infront of that lady who was there today.

period four... listened to what people were talking about in peer ed. no, not really. we had the test. go read blair's diary about that.

period five... took notes. and messed around w/ shannon's mind cause we apparently think a like. we had to do this thing for psych where we had to "complete the picture." me and shannon had half the same ideas. but she didnt draw them out to maintain her femininity.

period six... i crashed... and crashed and crashed... and then got caught. and then crashed again and left class.

after school i went do drill team practice. man did i have a hard time remembering crap... i must've screwed up more than half the time. oh well... and i cant spin too well either. still too weak, y'know?

well i then went to the docs for my BP test. im back to being below un-healty. im 118/80. thats good. i like my BP. plus i also lost 4 lbs. that was nothing to worry about said my doctor. so yeah. stop saying that i should eat more dammit.

hmm... yeah, then i came home and started to stress about the freakin rotc webpage. stupid stupid web page. i hate it. im in charge of it so i gotta give a freakin formal briefing about it on wed. after school. gonna lose it. plus my team doesnt do shit. thats partially my fault, but still they should be helping me! argh... i hate rotc.

Previously on - Currentlier

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