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2000-09-14 - 03:15:54

geez... what did i start?

i just read two diaries that said fuck this or fuck that. blair's and jenna's. dang... i didnt expect it to get this outta control. i thought it was only me who had to fucking vent like that. geez... and some others who shall remain annonymous, have also been experienceing the same "too much to do" syndrom. i wish i hadnt written that. i didnt mean for it to cause so much expression.

hmph. stupid ryan for writting that.

what else...

i hate peer ed man. its so fucking me up in school. i have to do so much make up work cause of that shit. like now, i just found out that in physics i have to do some questions from the book cause i didnt have time to go to see mr. bachman to find out what we did in school. i'll explain why. at lunch, i had to go see mr. inouye to get organized on the class shirts. which just to let y'all know, probably are going to be long sleeve and we may order some, albeit very few, collared shirts, and they will have a generic logo from whom ever we order from. what else? then, after meeting w/ mr. inouye, i had to go to a student gov meeting. that took up the rest of lunch and it didnt do much for me cause i missed most of the juicy stuff. so now im lost in most of the stuff. then... what else? oh yeah, then i had peer mediation training which caused me to miss period 6. physics, one of two classes im getting a b-c in. so im fucked cause of that. then i had to go and give a briefing to the library staff, so i couldnt go see him after school cause of that. then when i got outta that, he was gone. so yeah. fuck!!! peer ed is whats fucking me over. hell! i've already done mediation training! fuck! i've been doing that shit in rotc for a while, only difference is its called counseling. fuck this shit!

there i go again. venting. i hope no one else carries this on. the world doesnt need any more angry teenagers.

oh well, y'know what? this is my diary and my place to vent my fucking brains out.

fuck. i had that stupid rotc web page thing today, i handled it in a calm and professional manner, but i also realized more so how little i know about computers and the net. good thing i got ichiru on my team, he knows his shit well enough. hes gonna pull this team through. i fucking hate the internet in some respects. fuck...

god damn... im loosing my mind and most of the shits behind me now. i need to sleep for a long long time. but im so god damned busy.

i gotta parade on saturday. im holding a damn flag all the way down the path of the aloha week parade. my friend taka is also gonna be there, only thing is hes getting paid to march w/ the Hiton Guards. he gets to spin a rifle and show off and wow the crowd. i get to walk w/ a big flag, get a funny sun burn and get all hot and sweaty. he gets paid. i get nothing but merits. its just not worth it. oooo... i get the pride of repping the battalion. whoop-dee shit.

i hate life.

hell, i also gotta find a girl to take to the military ball. i think erin doesnt want to go with me. so now i need to find someone else. i dunno anymore. i hate life.

girls. why do i gotta love em so much. girls are so cool, yet they are a big problem. girls are like little children. you just gotta love em cause they're so cute and shit, but yet, the bring so much problems, then you look at how cute they are and you cant kill em. lifes shit.

and its mostly cause of peer ed. fuck. peer. ed.

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