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2000-09-18 - 02:41:46

It just doesnt get better than this. (said in an EXTREMELY sarcastic tone)

the play was okay, but the people behind me were really f-ed up. these ladies were talking about brests implants and bitching about how they had to leave for work early and all sorts of shit. the play was good. better than i expected. very funny. but still, the people behind me... argh.

but i also tried to sleep before the doors opened, so i went to a bench to lie down on, then these people came by me, of all places and started to talk about stupid shit. and they wouldnt shut up or speak quietly so i kindly got up and went somewhere else. and it started to rain. i really dont like life. i never win.

i did find a new radio station. 105.9 plays good music. like mostly oldie surf kine music. really good music.

right now im watching one of my all time favorite movies. Apocalypse Now. but im sad. i missed my part of my favorite scene. its one the greatest scenes of all time. you have to see it to understand the coordination it took. go watch it, its give or take about 30 minutes into the movie. really really great scene.

theres also another great scene in the movie Heat. its a great ass gun fight. makes you cheer for the bad guys. just watch it. the scene is on the second tape, like 5-10 minutes into it.

life just doesnt get any better than this...

Previously on - Currentlier

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