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2000-09-21 - 02:36:31

today sucked penis.

i missed the stupid morning tutorial cause my mom took too long so i decided to walk. i got to school at 7 am. just as they closed the doors. frick.

but it got okay. i was talking to taka. he came to school straight from a rave. half way high too. hes funny.

then i went to math. i got a good nights sleep.

what else?

guess what! IM PASSING ENGLISH WITH A LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW B!!! whoo-motherfucking-hoo! then i pissed off koga who felt good about his B and then, when he found out i was getting a B. he didnt feel so good anymore. but stupid oki got my 8 cents. hes getting a lower grade than me. bitch.

peer ed sucked penis. the damn lecture boss gave us sucked the big hairy one. i mean, we were all out of it after that.

i did the meeting at student gov today. cause darsie wasnt there, neither was blair. so ryan took over. the lowest ranking officer. hell, even the senators out rank ryan. but, oh well.

what else...

stupid fucking tutorial is so boring. 45 minutes to do nothing. stupid stupid shit.

and because of tutorial. i didnt get a chance to grab a book from lusk. im in trouble. oh well, lest hope i can BS the essay.

i'll check out a book tomor.. nuts!

stupid bitch doesnt get in till like 730, when im in tutorial. hopefully matt fung has a book that i can borrow. no. i cant do that. i'd be taking it away from him and not letting him study. that wouldnt be right. i'd be punishing him for my mistake.

stupid stupid guilt trips. i hate them.

i wish i were more of an ass hole. then i wouldn't have any qualms about it. stupid ryan.

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