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2000-09-23 - 03:27:39

i think i might've sniffed something i shouldn't have today.

boy, that sure made my day better though. i went to first period all happy and laughing and smiling and joking and laughing more at lame jokes. hell, i even laughed at my own jokes. wanna hear it? too bad. you have to.

monica lewinsky walks into a dry cleaners shop. the one that she sent her first dress too. the one with the infamous cum stain.

so she takes it up to the kinda deaf cleaner. "can you clean this?"

the cleaner couldnt hear it so he asked "come again?"

monica replies: "no. mustard."

i laughed hard at that joke when koga told it to me.

he also told me some good "yo momma" jokes he heard from jeff dolder.

"yo momma so fat, when she dances, the band skips."


"yo momma so fat, when shes done having sex, she smokes a ham."

i love "yo momma" cracks. they're cool sometimes.

i want to do drugs.

i figure they must be good.

i mean, they sure made me happy today.

i know, i know.

narcotics are bad.

but damn, they sure do make you feel good.

and your not entirely stupid either.

you just realize everything is a lot funnier.

oh well.

i doubt i'll start to do them again.

hell, i didnt really start.

but yeah.

no more.

i like the few brain cells i have left.

wow... today was cool.

i saw kim hoole again. shes a friend who grad. last year. shes funny. she was telling me about her day which was junk. she started off the day dropping out of a formation run with her rotc class. then when she went to shower, she said to her self "gee, i bet i forgot a towel and underwear and bra." and lo and behold, she had. and all she had was a white tee-shirt and a pair of baggy overalls. so she drapped her bag strap over one nipple and covered her other w/ the overalls. and then she went to jap class cause she didnt want to miss that. so she had to skip philosophy to go home, shower again, and get clothes.

and while she was there, she saw reece and one of our new rotc friends, mary rose go (yes. go is her last name), and she was like, "are you two going out?"

then she was all bewildered. "huh? what?"

"are you two going out?"

taka was over there like "yes.. yes... yes..." and he was nodding his head plenty kine and speaking in his soft accented japanese accent.

and then reece goes, "okay, lets do this the right way." so he got down on one knee and held her hand up, "mary rose, will you go out with me?"

"uh... i'll call you tonite... im not sure."

and then reece and taka left with kim after a few more minutes. not really minutes, like maybe 45 seconds or maybe a minute half at most. but yeah.

then i was talking to mary rose cause she asked me. "were you in on this?"

"what? me? i didnt even know he liked you till tiff made a point of it yesterday!"

"its okay ryan. even if you are the last to know."

"aww... im always the last to know." and then we talked a little bit more about how im always the last to know and then we started to discuss the relationship to be.

i asked her if she would say yes, and she said she would. and then we were talking about how it would be her first boyfriend and i was telling her about how reece is a good guy cause i support relationships even if i dont like one person or i feel like i want one etc. y'know?

and then we ended up talking till she left to go eat dinner.

so i was in the room for a little while more talking to dae won and listening to static X. oh just to let you know, i was waiting to go set up the election booths at UH lab school.

so yeah, i caught a ride down to there w/ maj. kimura, dae won and three chinese girls in rotc. i like maj.'s durango. too bad its his wifes and he has to ask permition to use it.

but yeah, when we got there, we were set up pretty damned fast, i mean, when the people who caught their own ride there got there, they all got there when we were finished.

and then mary rose got there like half an hour late. when we were waiting for our rides back! but yeah... so her sgt. koki asked her mother to shuttle some of us back. so she told me to hop in, and we were talking on the way back. i chatted a little with her mother seeing as how she was asking questions about what we were doing and i had the answers cause i've done this before. im the only person in the battalion who has done this before! heh, im special for once.

well, when we got back, me and mary rose went inside to grab munchies and talk while we waited for maj kimura to come back from another team at lunalilo school doing the same thing.

so me and mary rose were inside talking story about all sorts of things. she told me that her mother wouldnt let her go out w/ reece and we were discussing why and stuff. and then we were discussing all sorts of things. music, teenagers going out w/ eachother. pre-teens going out. etc. i remember making a comment about how young kids who get laid and how it makes me feel like shit cause "hey! if they're getting some action, what about me? im older dammit! why aint i gettin any?" nah, i joke that i would, but knowing me, i'd probably be all scared and not be able to perform. so sad.

and then i went outside and b.s.ed w/ deyson, piff, and mary rose somemore and then i went home.

about an hour ago, while i was at home, piff and deyson came by, "okuno, can piff use your bathroom? she has to pee." so i let them in and then they stayed for about half an hour and scared oki and bothered carlie sorta. it was fun. deyson cant type worth a shit. i swear to god he cant. its funny watching him.

yeah, and thats my day.

Previously on - Currentlier

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