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2000-09-28 - 03:41:30

i feel like a fucking genius!

i got the mother fucking shirts for $4.90! hell yeah!

dont ask, cause im too jacked up right now to say it in a clear manner.

dude, today, in peer ed. i was all "rage against the machine" against the V.P.'s today. cause one of the peer educators was caught smoking a hash pipe in the bathroom on the night of the dance, and we were discussing the situation and the repercussions and stuff. and then i was all like, "i'm not deffending what she did, but i think that she should clear it up about mrs. arai. the vp's have too much power. blah blah blah, so forth and so on." but i was getting all fuck the powers that be, we should be rising above the oppressionists who choose to keep us down like the poor man. we should rise above this shit and become our own men and women. yeah!!!

fuck... too much rage against the machine and speaking to pablo and tompkison. fuck.

y'know, im even talking like them, using their vernacular too. like i was calling females "hey! woman! get it yourself!"

and then i suddenly became the teams bitch. i was doing this and that for anyone that wanted something done. like i went down to the rotc room like three or four times to get saimin for people. and i went all the way to the cafeteria to get bottled iced tea for jenna and shannon. frick, i let tiffany use my mat too, and i was spotting for people, and adding up their scores. im the teams god damned bitch god dammit.

and then, walking to village market w/ jenna and kerin today. i find out that im kerin's bitch. and then i become jenna's bitch while im with them. man... im becomming the woman here.

and lets see...

at subway, we saw shannon, keith, kavin, and ryan y. so shannon being the ass hole she is, she decides to call my cell and do the prank i pull on mori and jenna all the time. she called my cell just to see me rush and get it. but i have her # saved so i noticed it. so i decided, hey! two can play this game and i call her cell. she sees my # and gets all salty at me. but she says "hello ryan. i have your # saved..."

"oh, okay," i think to myself. "jenna, can i borrow your cell?"


*ring ring* "ryan..."

"look! my cell isnt calling you!" *shows her my phone*

*ring ring* "okay..." *picks up phone* "hello?"

then i pick up jenna's cell "hi shannon." *smile*

"you ass!"

he he he, i love being me.

man! i was just listening to rage again. i was watching their live performance of "testify" at the MTV music awards. damn, they're good even live! fuckin a!

i like rage too much.

im cut from the drill team. oh well. i'll find some way to weasel myself back on it.

oh, and pray for me that i get cleared to shoot on saturday. im praying to any and all god's that'll listen to me. hopefully they dont think im a witch too. which reminds me.

that movie the crucible, i havent seen a movie illicit so many "those stupid idiots" ever. but not that bad of a movie over all. its like suspensefull and all. good movie.

okay, im gonna go now. bye bye.

Tip of the Entry:

How do you know your wife's dead?

The sex is the same, but the dishes pile up.

*Joke courtesy of Jeff Dolder

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