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2000-09-29 - 03:05:48








Im so happy i could shit my pants right here and now.

no, i wouldnt shit my pants.

one, cause that would be all funny.

two, cause it would feel funny.

and c- cause it'd feel funny.

oh yeah, and it would smell funny too.

not ha ha funny. but sick funny.

sometimes sick funny is ha ha funny. but not in this case.

but i went in to get my psych eval, and i kept insisting to the guy, Dr. Manaligod that i didnt say i like to kill and that i was there just so i could shoot. and as i was leaving, i asked him, "so, can i shoot on saturday?"

"uh, im not even sure if its up to me."

and then he went to go talk to my dad. while i was waiting for them to finish, i put 1-808 on all my phone numbers in my cell. thats how bored i was.

and then i found out that i could shoot again on the ride to roosevelt so i could go help out at practice! yeah! i can shoot again! well, when i got there, i was running and jumping and yelling and more jumping and shit. i was fucking pumped up like i was on fucking drugs. kinda wish i was on drugs to tell the truth. but man, i was all fucked up. ask anyone that was there. i was fucking off the walls and shit. i was bothering anything that was female. hell, when i first got there, i was so fucking happy i was ready to kiss any girl i saw. i was looking at kim, i was looking at cindy, i was looking at jenna, i was looking at julie, i was looking at shannon and i was thinking "damn! which one should i kiss? im so happy, no kick in the nuts would bring me down!" but damn! i was so fucking happy. even if i didnt kiss anyone. ahahahahahahahahaha. fucked up dammit!

and i also stole ice from ross the trainer. hes an ass so fuck him. yeah? yeah. and me and taka and reece and brian and dae won were all spitting ice at people. it was all good. thank god for ice. hell, it was fucking awesome dammit. today. today was a good day. i liked today.

but, man, i was tired today too. i was so tired, that me, curtis the cock, and kristen the koi gave a class on how to sleep in class during peer ed. we all had to give a class on how to do something. one group taught the class the "ABC's" one other group taught the class how to do the "itsy bitsy spider" and blair's group taught the class what to do during a fire alarm. but my group still kicked ass. we had three demonstrations. curtis taught them what to do when you have a hat you can wear in class, i taught them what to do in absence of a hat, and kristen taught them what to do when you just dont give a damn.

yum. i like cereal. im eating cinamon toast crunch. good shit man. good shit. i havent had this in years.

well, anyway. i go now. adios.

Previously on - Currentlier

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