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2000-10-01 - 05:46:33

okay, so i over reacted in last nights entry. but still... i did fuck up.

okay, so i saw the person tonite and well, it wasnt as bad as i expected. i mean, we got along just fine and dandy. this morning was a bit akward, but nothing too far from the norm. if you can call where i am "norm."

but anyway, so yeah, it aint as bad as i thought. but it aint never gonna be the same again. its just one of the facts of life i gotta live with i guess. i dont want to, but its kinda late now.

yeah, well... we beat kailua at riflery today. beat the stockings off of them. friggin 400 points i think we beat them by. thats like two whole shooters. man, we beat the pants off of them. we spanked em. we rode em like they was our bitches. speaking of ridding. i rode kato this morning when he was getting cocky at me. i jumped on his back and slapped him like a red neck would his wife. and then, i beat him for top score too. aint nuthin gonna be the same no more on that rifle team. roosevelt rifle team is my bitch now.

i also went to go see a movie today. and im happy to say, it wasnt a shit movie either. frickin bait is a pretty good movie to say the least. good story, good action. not so much on the way of as much humor as i thought it'd have, but it was a good balance. i recommend you see it.

kim has also informed me that final destination has made it to video. i liked that movie. good movie dammit. good movie. okay, well, i think im done here.

nuthin but luv. peaches,


Previously on - Currentlier

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