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2000-10-02 - 02:54:09

well, my assumptions were right. things aren't gonna be the same. but, at least they aint shot to hell. i think. i hope. i dont know...

i just read something, and well, im not so sure how it really is. but at least two people know about it. but their identites shall remain annonymous.

man, more people know about this than i thought. i knew i shouldnt've put it in my diary. but, oh well. no regrets, y'know?

i like rage against the machine. i also like static-x. i did nothing today. well, i sorta did, i shaved my head again. hmph.

i haven't anything to write about. thats odd. its like the first time in two days that thats happened. it feels weird.

well, i guess i'll go. bye.

Previously on - Currentlier

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