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2000-10-02 - 06:04:35

even if i've already up-dated for the night. even if its 1 am. i feel that this message i have been thinking of is poingant enough to make me turn on the computer again and type and risk being yelled at by my parents. i dont know what it is about this following message, but i think it has to do w/ recent revelations. so on to the message.

tv, weather we think it does or not, it does affect our image of the world. we are all silently being brain washed into what tv shapes us into. tv has forced us into what we are today. but it all depends on what we watch. i can only speak from my experiences. but what about yours? think about your life. think about how tv is and how the real world is. think about how when something happens, think of how you always relate it to something you saw on tv. right there, thats how tv has affected you. when you compare something in real life to tv, you have been brainwashed into believing that tv is how its supposed happen. you probably want to deny it right now. you probably think that "no. im not like the average teenager. i am not like one of the mindless drones that the public takes us for. i am my own person not affected by tv's draw." but look into yourself and think deeply. can you see it? you see it dont you? you can see how you too have been brainwashed into thinking that the happy ending is how life always is supposed to be. how the guy always gets the girl. how the hero always saves the day. and when that doesnt happen, you wonder to yourself, "now, why didnt it happen this way?" but its how we've been forced into thinking. its part of our psyche now. the only way to change this is to be re-programed. but to do that, we would be errasing more than just what the tv has done to us, we would be errasing part of ourselves. so the only way to stop it, would be to stop it in the future. we must stop the next generation from becoming the mindless drones of the entertainment business. this is the only way to halt the mindlessness of our culture. it is our only salvation.

now, the next question. how has it affected you ryan?

i always believed that the guy, if he acts chivalrous, if he shows the world that he is cappable of being a gentleman, if he professes his compassion for a person, then he will win their heart on the spot and they will seal it w/ a kiss. but no. this is not the case. this is far from reality as we all know. but that is what tv has taught me. i have seen too many tv shows and movies where that has been the case. it lead me to sub-conciosly believe that that was the norm. but, until one wakes up, they wont realize that. and the only way to wake up, is to experience it. sure, some things do happen like the movies, and i know this because i've lived some things that were like movies. a bit too much like tv/movies for comfort, but for every one like a tv/movie, there are countless non-tv/movie occurences. it is just the facts of life. you may experience one or two of those moments, but you will by far experience more of the non-tv/movie occurences. trust me. i've seen it all.

well, like i said earlier about getting yelled at. it just happened. so i am signing off. and remember, we must stop looking at the world as tv/movie world and see it as the black and white it is.

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