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2000-10-03 - 04:12:35

tired. cranky. hungry. sick. annoyed.

that is ryan right now.

stupid idiots in peer ed dont know how to frickin write out their schedules. dont put down frickin room #'s or frickin teachers or frickin class'es. they write down frickin "math" instead of something like Algebra 1 or something. stupid people really do piss me off. especially the stupid people in peer ed. cause i have to do their paper work. frick them yo. and i cant really do it in school cause the school insists on using frickin iMacs when more than half the world uses PC's. frickin hell... frick the school and peer ed. i hate paper work but its the only thing i can do.


well, i gots to see matt moss again. havent seen him for three months. he was at AIT (Advanced Individual Training). he was training to be a field medic for three months in san antionio. and he said he learned basically nothing. he can go be a field medic in asshole, arkansas... but if he expects to go be a paramedic in some big city, hes got a lot more to go. he said hes an EMTB or Emergency Medical Technician Basic. and theres also EMTI and EMTP or Emergency Medical Technician Intermediate and Paramedic respectively. and only like Sergeants are EMTI's and P's so if you ever go into war, get a Sergeant or above to treat you. dont let anyone w/ less than three stripes treat you.

but it turns out that in two months hes moving to florida so, this was probably like the last time i'll ever see him. so, yeah. but oh well. you meet em, you miss em. thats how life is.

frick, i hate peer ed. too much work for one stressed out little baldie kid.

even frickin sgt. koki gets in on the bald jokes.

but today something good did happen. we now are having tea time in rotc every 2nd and 4th monday of the month. its our time to discuss isues. a.k.a. bull shit time. but knowing tiffany, shes gonna be all like "no, lets do things my way and discuss only what i wanna discuss" cause thats how she is. shes a freakin dominatrix. and i aint down with that kinky shit. shes like all everything is my way or the highway. its like no lee way in the way of how i wanna run things or something. what if i have my own way of teaching something, and i think it'd be better for me, she wont let me do it my way. i dont like that. i let people do things they're way after i make my suggestions, but w/ her, if it aint how she likes it, its worng. fuck that. but oh well... cant fight the powers that be. i should know, i've tried. aint nothing work for me.

Previously on - Currentlier

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