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2000-10-04 - 02:43:04

tomorrow we gots a match and im happy.

but i dont like where i sit in math. our teacher changes our seats after every test. thats a lot of changing. i think we've changed seats at least three times so far. i bet no one else has done that. well, lets look at it this way. now i have no one to make witty comments to. im surrounded by freshmen. no fun.

i like girls. yes i do.

which reminds me, i did my first peer support today. i dont think i did to well, i didnt really know what to say cause i got there late and wasnt really in w/ the problem. but it got me out of doing my sqd. leader thing. not that that was the only driving issue either, but she was my friend, so it was for my soul that i stayed and tried to help. i know i did a little bit, i made her laugh un pocito. not as much as i'd have liked to, but i did a little.

and i think sgt. koki's gonna have something to say to me cause this is how i think it goes. im walking down to the rotc room to get my bag and i see erin, so i go to check whats up. and well, i see that nicole and erin both dont look to happy. so i ask whats up.


steve and tiff r. see me on the bleachers talking to people and running back and forth while my sqd. is down there on the field/track doing the leadership lab thing. and im supposed to be there. so steve comes out yelling at me, to go to my sqd. and just then i see sgt. koki come out so, me thinking on my feet, i yell "im peer supporting!"

"i dont care! go to your sqd. your 1st sgt. is mad at you!"

"i dont care! im peer supporting dammit."

"well, your gonna get demerits."


and then i went back to peer supporting as best i could.

well, when i was done, i went down to my sqd. to check out what the deal was. on my way there i went and stopped to talk to tiff. i told her why i was late to not there and she said "oh yeah, its okay. i heard okuno."

"huh? what? the way steve told me, he sounded like you wanted to rip off my head or something!" *makes ripping motion*

"oh no. sgt. saw you and was ready to give you demerits, but then he saw the girl crying so he let it go."

"oh... really? wow... thats cool. so im not in trouble?"



and then blah blah blah, etc. and so forth and so on.

yah, that was my day basically.

oh, i also heard a great joke:

a guy's having problems sexually in his relationship, so he goes to a sex therapist. "doc, you gotta help me. i dont know any sex games to spice up my sex life."

"okay, here's what you can do. go to the grocery store and get doughnuts and grapes."

"okay, doc. but why?"

"you put the doughnut around your dick and she can eat it off. and you put the grape in her pussy and eat it out of there."

"oh right on doc."

so he goes home and does it. lo and behold, it works.

his friend notices this and asks him for advice.

"hey, tell me, what did you do to make yourself all happy now days?"

"nothing man." not really wanting to tell his secrets.

"c'mon man! tell me."

"fine fine..."

"okay, so what is it?"

"go down to the grocery store and pick up some apples and cherrios..."

so, how'd you like it? good joke ah? okay so maybe you didnt get the punch line. its a sick sick joke. but its a good one.

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