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2000-10-14 - 03:46:22

im worried about tomorrow.

we have a drill meet tomorrow. and im on two teams. i should only be on one. my inspection team. but i had to be a stupid idiot and feel sorry for mak and join her team for the sake of the freshmen. stupid idiot.

my inspection team should be all set. god i hope they are. i want to win. i have to win. im getting really technical this year, wearing all sorts of crap. i want to win. and then, i have to leave early and go to riflery against castle. this should be fun. i met some guys from castle during the summer. maybe i'll see some of em again. i only really remember one. kam. i hated that ass. i still dont like him cause he got me in trouble w/ one of the troop handlers. Cpl. Rosa. i hope i dont see him. he thinks hes smarter than everyone else. when i was a fellow squad member, i told him to shut up when ever he tried to correct someone. when i was his fire team leader, i told him to shut up when ever he spoke at attention. when someone else was his platoon leader and he tried to correct him while he was reporting in! he yelled at him. and when i was his squad leader, I FUCKING SMOKED HIS ASS. and then he cried. and i told him to drop for push-ups, he argued with me. i yelled at him somemore. he bitched on me. then i had to make him think im his friend. i still dont like him. i hope he screws up a lot this year and gets fucked over. hes a god damned moron.

but yeah.

i want to go out tomorrow night. but i cant i think. i need to do my home work cause im busy tomorrow and sunday i have to work w/ the banner committe to help them. and then i have no weekend. fuck it all. im tired.

well, this has been a short entry. i must add a few more thing before i leave. if you havent read shannon's diary, go to blairs and get the link from there. go read it and find out why im paranoid. plus, i must also say this. i like my gb. despite it being stary and fem-ish. its grown on me. i like it. and then, i also no longer have to go to see a shrink. im peachy. the next time i have to see him is in three months, so its all good, y'know?

okay. im done. g'nite y'all and wish us luck. pray for me too. well, bye! peaches.

P.S. the shirts came in tonight. i'll have em for you guys on monday.

Previously on - Currentlier

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