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2000-10-15 - 04:45:57

i woke up at 515 this morning. and i got to school at 600. then i got uniforms ready till 7 and then we went to schofield barracks.

i almost got into a verbal fight w/ someone at schofield. frickin stupid bitch. i dont remember her name. stupid ass whore think she knew everything. and mak was being an ass too. but i felt sorry for her cause shes a fucking cry baby so i didnt continue to argue w/ her either. i dont feel like elaborating on that cause funnier stuff happened after that. but i must say that it took us 30 minutes to get our inspection uniforms for inspection team ready. at most of it was just the white pistol belts we were using. and despite all our trouble, we only took second place. again. fuck! i thought we could win this year. and that pissed me off. esp. since last year, i took only 2nd place at the drill meet. the same freakin drill meet. and i put so much time into it. argh! i thought we were actually gonna win. this proves my point. never be confident. you'll only end up fucking up. thats why i dont bet.

well, at the riflery meet. after the second relay almost ended and i was talking to jenna after, i gave her my binocs to look at the targets then after she got bored w/ that, she started to look at the castle guys. and then she found a "cute" guy who shannon was also looking at who kim was also looking at who me and matt made fun of the three of them. oh yeah, did i mention this guy is a friend of kam, the guy whom i wrote about last night who i dont like and feared seeing? well yeah, kam was there too. i introduced him to the rest of the girls on team who i cruise w/. that'd be kim, cindy, julie, and jenna. well, yeah, the thing is they were like obsesively stalking him and stuff. it was hilarious cause he was all salty at us, specifically me i think cause im the loudest s.o.b. next to andrew. and well, so i was making plenny noise and he ran away and was all salty and stuff. it was cool. esp. after i yelled at jenna, "hey! jenna! which ones the cute one?" at shannon's daring. jenna tried to get ghetto style on me and beat me up, but y'know, im from da true ghetto. we be knowin how to defend our selves from a wannabe ghetto beat down. y'hear that jenna! you cant take me down. esp. cause i gots a bigger ass! i'll explain on that:

it started off w/ shannon changing her pants under her hula skirt infront of the rest of us, me, andrew, kim, and jenna. so when she finished changing, andrew goes "dang shannon, you gots a belly on you." and i was laughing hard already cause of the changing incident and i just went even harder. and then they go to compare tummy's so im laughing and then some how asses get into the conversation. and just as we're about to go in to turn in our weapons, i make a comment about "hey? do i have an ass?"

"no, ryan... not really."

and then jenna interjects: "what about me?"

"i think my ass is bigger jenna." i say.

"no... how do you know?"

"okay, lemme look." so i look. "nope jenna, my ass is bigger."

"noooooo. my ass is bigger."

"okay, lets have someone else grade. shannon, whos got a bigger ass? me right?"

"wait, lemme get a better look." and then we both turn so she can see. "i think ryan has a bigger ass."

"what the freak! noooo, its the pants."

"okay, hold the pants back" says shannon. "okay, lemme see again." so we both tighten our pants around our asses. "ryans still got a bigger butt."

"yeah, i agree" says kim.

"what! NO!"

"ha ha! i have a bigger ass than someone!" and i contine to rub it in till i go back to teasing all the girls about the one salty guy from castle.

Later on when we're eating snacks w/ them, i invite some of them to join our circle of converstation cause its like both schools are off on their own thing. then kim goes "what? arent the rest of your guys gonna come too?" when only kam comes over to join us. i just had to stop right there and laugh my fucking ass off. it was too much to handle. they all got salty at me for laughing so much at them, but i didnt care any. it was worth it. i havent had such a funny day since god knows when. thats all i can say.

and then after they're gone, kim made a comment about how we should host a riflery dance. invite them back and other schools etc. all for the cute guys. what about us? wheres the hot chicks dammit? oh well...

i also went to go see lost souls tonight. kerin woke me up during the boring part of the movie. and jenna made cindy jump in her seat just by tapping her foot cause she was kicking her chair. i say it was a good movie, but a little choppy as jenna says. the ending seemed rushed. also as jenna said which i agree to both. but yeah. good movie other wise. i found it got me to cheer on one side and stuff, silently though. but yeah. not many movies can make me do that.

after that we went to aloha fun pool and played an hour of pool. that was fun cause i made on ball sink in one hour of play. i suck.

oh yeah, me and kato both averaged at 240 for the rifle season. that means we're good and set for OIA individual champs. set on tuesday. queer. stupid OIA make it in two days. oh well. the powers that be are too strong to fight.

well, im tired. im gonna go nap now. g'nite.

Previously on - Currentlier

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