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2000-10-16 - 02:07:55

i have a rebuttal to issue so jenna can sleep well tonight. i may have said that jenna, kim, and shannon were checking out my "friend" patrick kam. the guy whom i called an a-hole two nights ago or so. well, they were not. i am not sure why it came out that way, but i knew that they were not. okay. thats just the leagalities.

kim, i am sure that comment was entirely 24ly? or is it 25ly? or is it totally? either way. sure it was kim, sure it was.

oh, i went to roosevelt today for home coming stuff. i am really beginning to hate our class t-shirts. they suck so much ass. speaking of asses, jenna, your ass is not bigger than mine. but to get a non-biASSed answer, we shall ask a male at your request. i propose andrew tompkison. he seems to be very knowledgeable on the topic of the anatomy. get back to me on that. but anyway... the class t-shirts are plain as hell and i hate them. so we're lowering the price. $8 will get you the 8-up (fucked up) shirt, the pompom and the glow stick. its a P.O.S. shirt, but what can i say... i made it. shit. i hate it already.

i also helped w/ the banner even if im not on the banner committe. im the whole schools bitch as jenna put it today. frick. i hate being the schools bitch. it means im like everyones freakin lackey. it bites being under the control of everyone. i hate it.

also, even if it means that the other freakin grades might get more points, i want all people to participate in the twilight pep rally. frick. if im doing work to kick ass. i want it to be a fucking challenge to kick ass. not just we win cause the other classes dont want to do shit. fuck. i want to win cause we won cause we're good. not cause everyone else sucks. so, if anyone from another grade isn't doing stuff, you better get your ass in gear and do something.

i have the immigrant song stuck in my head. its a song by led zepplin.

shana's bf is an ass. he wasted most of a roll of MY film today. but the funny thing was that when he did it, my thoguhts were of kicking his ass and beating him to a bloody pulp and then spitting on him and shit, it was "well, i got four more rolls left. i guess i'll just go get another one." not even a spitefull word or a cuss word in there. what the hell? i blame it all on peer ed. im not my ass hole self anymore. what the fuck? i liked that ryan. it was so much more fun and shit. i could get on nerves so much better like that, but now im like a nice guy and everything. fuck it all.

stupid stupid stupid peer ed.

i want a dr. pepper. jenna turned me on to dr. pepper today. she bought one for me cause i said i had never tried one, and it was good. well, actually, when i told her "hey, thanks for the dr. pepper, its not that bad." she yelled at me:

"Not that bad? is that it?"

"okay, fine. it. kicks. butt."

*smile* "thats better."

so i guess "it. kicks. butt."

oh, and jenna, even ms. kimura said that makiki is more ghetto than paoua. ALL OF PAOUA. :) i win.

my ass is numb. i think im going to go. peaches.

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