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2000-10-25 - 03:17:56

i talked to another friend about the situation concernning my other close friend. my other friend helped me w/ it. so.. yeah... but i still feel a bit weird... i kinda feel like its my fault. that i should've said something to that friend before hand, maybe i could've had some clout in the decision making process that happend while the situation came up... but i'll never know if im really that annoying to pop up in peoples heads when things like that happen.

i had to go all over the back side of the school today in 2nd period. me and matt fung were supposed to get the measurements of the rifle range to the back of FF bldg. its a lot harder than it sounds. we also have to figure out the angle too. its all very complicated. very difficult.

yeah... i also went to pablos house today, i was fucking around w/ his bass. its cool. i wanna learn to play the bass or guitar. but im lazy. so yeah.

oh well. i go now. i cant think. peaches.

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