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2000-10-26 - 02:22:00

today is kinda a haze... lately i've been like that. i wake up all dissoriented. i dont hear anything, i just get up and look around, i hear voices and i mumble "huh? wha? huh? no... yeah... uh... wha?" and then after a minute or two it clears up. i really dont know whats happening. i dont know. its pretty cool. i even wake up like that in the afternoon. like today, i woke up from a nap, and i couldnt even see for a little bit. my eyes wouldnt open, but i could move and i could hear things. pretty snazzy if you ask me. yes, snazzY, with a Y.

mr. bachman. hes cool. i told him about my idea to go to a pool hall for a physics project. he didnt say so much about actually going to a pool hall, but he was okay with the idea of doing something like that.

y'know, im kinda lost as to what i did today. i've been like that a lot lately. my mind has become, clouded? im always confused now days. i wonder why? my recall ability has been severly messed up. odd...

today, almost all morning i sat outside on the blechers in my windbreaker listening to the same 5 songs over and over. it was pretty cool. everyone thought i was depressed or something. i wasnt so much depressed, i was more uhm... reflecting i guess you could say. a lot has happened to me, so im kinda just thinking a lot now. but, oh well. yeah, its all good. im okuno, aint nothing gonna bother me. im fucking invincible.

i also went to that meeting for school improvment tonight. their giving us 20 days or so to get the classes organized and come up w/ a task list and equipment list. then after that we have another 20 days before the clean-up date. thats fucked up. we have 40 days to get everything ready. 20 of which we have to devote to just plain 'ol planning. i dont think thats going to be enough. we had about 2 months to do home coming and we were still fucked up about that. and now we're being given 20 days to prep for a clean-up. its fucking ludicrist. but, oh well. im okuno. i can do it. cause im fucking invincible. hell, im mr. omnipotent as erin called me last night! mr. fucking omnipotent. not mr. fucking impotent. OM-NIP-O-TENT. besides, mr. fucking impotent? it just doesnt add up.

oh, and blair, im very dissapointed in you for waving the sr. class pompom and then allowing yourself to be photographed. and then, you were also causing trouble to me and jason. tsk on you blair. thats very bad. ESPECIALLY SINCE YOUR THE PRESIDENT AND YOU SHOULD BE LEADING BY EXAMPLE!!! maybe you should join rotc and learn some of the leadership skills they emphasize upon us. you dont see me and dae won doing cockamamie stuff like that do you?

oh yeah, mr. hokama knew about my 3rd place OIA standing for air riflery. almost forgot about that. i was supprised when he came up to me after the meeting and shook my hand saying congratulations on that. blew my mind. no, not really. but it was interesting. hes the thrid faculty member who did that. mr. haru was first, then there was mr. iwasaki, and then mr. hokama. not to mention mrs. akamine, MSG. Koki, Maj. Kimura, Ms. Nagata, and Mr. Gillia who also asked how i did. dang... BEAT THAT KATO! HA! YOU CANT CAN YOU! KISS MY ASS! nah, just joking. he probably has the capacity to be a better shot than me. its just that hes a big baby and cant stand it when me fucks up once. that forces him to fuck up w/ what ever else hes got left. its like this. you shoot one bad shot, you say fuck it. i can make it up by hitting higher on the next few. or at least thats what i do. kato, what he does is he shoots one bad shot, then he looks at it. swears. gets all emotional, and then he fucks up even more. that'll really fuck you up. thats why i shoot better than him some times. cause i dont get emotional till after when i look at my score and its pretty bad. if he could just be more like me in that asspect, and maybe a few others..., he could be like st. louis material. but yeah. okay, enough of that. i go now. peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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