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2000-11-01 - 02:33:27

i drank pepsi tonight, it made me feel sick. i knew i shouldnt have drunken that, but i figured, "aw hell, i can indulge a little here and there." ick. boy was i wrong. i guess i have a weak tummy.

today was junk. stupid promotion board had me stressing out all afterschool. i think i passed, there were only like, three or four questions i obviously didnt know the answer to compared to say trang, she had the have the questions repeated to her and she didnt know shit all most half the time. i think i did the best there. and the out door portion ought to be easy too. its only squad drill. thats easy shit for me. but my arm went numb during the board, and my lower back got really sore.

i played football today for rotc. i made like two pretty good runs. but my pants almost got ripped entirely. i was making a run and then one of the guys in my class tried to grab my flag, but he ended up grabbing my pants! so im running and then i hear a "riiiiiiip!" and my eyes go big. but my flags are still there so i keep running, when i get flagged, i stop and look at for my belt. whaddaya know? my pants have a nice slit in them. the next few times i went running past that guy, my eyes got big in fear he was gonna tear my pants again.

then there was the costumes of deyson, ikaika, brian, and dae won. deyson looked almost decent in his costume. he had the boobs and hips to fit it pretty well. only problem was he had a buldge in the front of his dress. from what? we all know. who pointed it out? he did. who was most ashamed of it? he was. who was most ashamed that he fit the dress pretty well? the owner. tiff roloos.

what was i? i was a non-conformist.

okay, that is all. peaches.

P.S. guess what im getting in english. a perfect grade. me, tiffany hamada, john ark, and jung. who woulda thought no?

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