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2000-11-04 - 03:29:10

i shot like shit today. thats all i have to say.

hey, that rhymed.

i also went out to see charlie's angels. funny shit some of it. i liked the matrix-esque scenes. emily didnt.

there were some really annoying girls behind us. none of us (me, emily, kim, and cindy) liked them. we all wanted to tell em to shut up but we couldnt being the nice people we are. one of them had their feet in emilys face.

i might be on tv due to states. there was a camera man there and he kept filming me while we were in the stand by area. i guess it was because i had a grim look on my face. i looked the most serious there.

i have learned something else today too. i shoot better after listening to metal.

oh. yes. i'd also like to say that i retract any comments that have lead to any disputes. i never intended this diary to be read by so many, and i wish i never had been. i cannot fully retract the statements, but i wish i could. too many things happen due to words that are misinterpreted. i only wish i could take it all back.

but then again. this is also my place of expression. i was planning on writting that guys do have feelings too and we dont like rejection before i read jenna's diary. but... i guess its all about timing. which im not too great at. i hate my timing. i dont know... maybe i should just password protect this place so no one reads it and therefore no one can get angry at me for my expressions. but then whats the point? i do this so people who want an insight to me have an insight to me. if i password it, then you lose your sight into my head. cause i cant just pick certain people who can read my diary, its like choosing friends over friends. its morally wrong.

i hate life.

Previously on - Currentlier

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