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2000-11-06 - 02:26:13

the following paragraph contains sexual refferences. parental guidance advised.

dudes... you dont know uncomfortable until you get flex all on your nuts. i had a sore ass, so i put some flexall on it, but i guess some got on my boxers when i was pulling them up, and then, i guess it went from there to my nuts! argh! my nuts were kinda hot and cold. it sucked. i couldnt make a big deal outta it cause i didnt want my dad to laugh at me. so i just sucked it up and did nothing about it. it sucked.

i watched Jackass today! i love that show dammit! its better than gundam wing! but not better than whose line is it anyway. actually... i dunno, thats a question for another eSurvey. but they had BMX Jousting. that was cool! thats the one thing that sticks out in my head. but another one that i remember was when they ran on to the football field during football practice and marching band practice and started to fight mideiveal style. thats so cool. i wanna do a jackass thing. just not as jackass. like i told kim, we should use the cone that we took and have someone follow me w/ a camcorder while i run infront of cars with the cone and put it in stalls till kim can park in it. that'd be so cool. or just some other random shenanigans. pablo does it, he carries his camcorder with him around and just records some random crap that him and kenji do and shit like that.

okay, i think i've written enough for the day. peaches.

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