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2000-11-08 - 01:19:34

i went out today. that was cool.

but first i had some work to do.

first piece of work was waking up. that took all too much energy.

then i had to clean my window before i left.

but once i left, it was all good. i went with kim and jenna to circut city out at pearlridge. i got a CD single for $4. but it only has two songs on it. but one of them was one i never heard before so its all good. plus, its live. and rage live sounds pretty good. not like some other guys...

after that, i told kim and jenna to go crash oki's house. they called me rude, so i asked him.

we got to Oki's house after going to McDonalds. i had fun. kim and jenna kinda just slept and played with the pool. i also was feeding sparky. hes a cool dog.

then we left and kim dropped me off at UH lab school at 430. i ended up waiting there all by myself till 620ish. so for about 10-15 minutes i was tearing down the site with out any of rotc's help. you know fucking why? cause the fucking bitches of chinese girls didnt show up at the room so major could give them a ride like they ASKED for. they fucking told him that they'd take a ride from him to get to the site today, but you know what? they fucking didnt show up so major had to wait for them to show up, therefore keeping the rest of them from linking up with me to help tear down the site. i blame it all on those fucking bitches. fuck them. especially one of the three of them that was supposed to show up today. shes my fucking platoon sergeant. and she fucking acts like she knows all the shit there is to know. so you know what? fuck her. she acts all fucking hard core, she aint shit yo. she fucking also goes over my fucking head telling my squad what to do. fuck that shit man. she aint supposed to tell my fucking squad memembers what to do. shes only supposed to tell me what to tell them and then thats it. fuck. shes telling my boys and girls what to do. its like saying im fucking incompetent.

okay, this is how its supposed to go. tiffany bitches out man ki, man ki bitches out me, i bitch out that idiot in my squad. moral of the story? shit rolls down hill. but heres how shes making it go. man ki bitches out my boys or girls. moral of the story, shit flies over the hill and lands on someone. you know what that means? it means im just fucking cut out of the fucking picture like im nothing! that aint fucking right! shit. im gonna stop here. peaches

Previously on - Currentlier

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