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2000-11-09 - 02:36:12

first off, i'd like to adress melissa. the one stunt you heard about on jackass is the "goldfish trick." but the guy in question did not just drink water and puke it out to fill a fish bowl. he drank a cup of water with a goldfish in it with the intention to swallow the goldfish and puke it out back into the fishbowl. alive. so he drinks the water and the goldfish. then he sticks his hand down his throat to make himself throw up. but he keeps drinking water so he has something to throw up. and eventually after drinking enough water, he is able to regourgatate the goldfish into the fishbowl alive. now aint that a cool trick? huh melissa? huh?

but dude, today i found out i need to get tutoring in math. i feel like such an idiot. i mean, c'mon. this is my second or third time taking the course depending on how you count it. how the hell can i not get it already? i mean... c'mon. you just cant get too much stupider than that.

i dont know if i should go to the mistletoe ball. i mean its SEVENTY-FIVE FREAKIN BUCKS!!! and then i need to pay for pictures. oy... too much money.

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