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2000-11-10 - 01:52:17

i fucked up today. at the performance before tomita high school, me and deyson especially. i blame it on many things. first of all, was the tomita kids. they were so dead! its hard to perform for a crowd that doesnt respond like they did. especially since the other school we performed for was really awed by what we did. i mean, these guys were just like... blah. they sucked. there was also the factor that sgt. koki made all of us spaz out because we almost couldnt perform cause taka didnt have his form in and reece's boots werent shiny. i mean, what the fuck? he asked us to have it ready for him like, two school days before we were supposed to perform. what the fuck is that? and then, there was the factor of my rifle. stupid fucking thing fell apart on me and deyson right in the performance. the fucking upper handguard just popped out and the fucking sling swivel holder, the fucking thing came right off the fucking rifle! it aint supposed to do that. it just came right off the fucking screw yo! what the hell?!? stupid fucking rifles...

but yeah... fuck tomita high school. they dont desereve a good performance wanna be shits like them. they didnt even get there on time either. so fuck them.

hmm... im now writing the whole "wishlist" for the jr. class. i mean, its like, the rest of the officers dont even go to the meetings, the advisors too... but i mean, the hell? they have the gall to tell me and jenna what THEY want and they dont even know whats going on fully. me and jenna are the only ones that go to the meetings consistantly and then, when jenna was trying to tell them something, they werent even listening to her. so i had to tell them what the fuck the deal was when i heard what the deal was. i mean, dude... think about it, me and jenna have gone to most of the meetings, so we know whats goin down right? so why not listen to us? it really bothered jenna that they werent listening to her. cause she was telling me after school that during the lunch time meeting when they decided to paint the senior patio, that she tried to convince them about not doing that and doing our landscaping idea, but they wouldnt listen to her. so after school when i found out about the painting of the senior patio, i was all like "dude?!? thats a stupid idea! the senior patio doesn't need paint! its fine as is. and it deffinately doesnt hold priority over the dust issue... i mean c'mon yo, look at it. its just... stupid to paint! the paints gonna be even worse of a set up here! first off, you gotta find a place to put all the tables, then you gotta move the soda machines too. and then you gotta presure wash the walls and the floor and then you gotta account for half the paint on the floor or people too. and then you gotta make sure you can dry it in time for school... etc. and so forth. i mean... there's more work in that then doing the landscaping!" i had to convince them with all my bitching. im jenna's voice in the student gov. no. im not really, im just trying to justify my being there. but i mean, c'mon here. why the hell is everyone else telling us what to do if they dont go to the fucking meetings?!? god damn! i mean, we're like the ones who know what kinda planning needs to be done here. let us tell you what the fuck we're gonna do!

okay, got that out of my system. that felt good.

no, not really. i dont like to bitch out at people. it makes me feel like im belittleing them and its not that nice of a thing to do.

i went to the college and carrer fair today. kim and cindy were talking to some not to shabby chicks from mckinley i assume. but they didnt even introduce me to them. i was hurt. no. not really, but i mean, c'mon. they could at least give me the benefit of the doubt here.

the fair wasnt too bad. i got a tape measure from some bank. i also got a lot of info on the active, reserve, and national guard army. and i even spoke to an air national guard recruiter. i also met the guy who recruited maj. kimura's son into the army guard. funny enough though i didnt see a marine corps booth. but they had a coast guard booth too... peculiar...

i got $25 from my grandparents. thank you grandma and grandpa!

im kinda lost as to the rest of the day. i go now. bye.

Previously on - Currentlier

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