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2000-11-11 - 05:11:41

to address melissa again. Buy a class ring cause i said so and if not im going to do absolutly nothing. and jackass is a COOL show. sure most of the stuff they do is disgusting, but they do it in a funny manner. poo diving is what you saw. and the gold fish did look a bit traumatized after being thrown up. but its still funny! you just have to watch the right things. like BMX Jousting is hella funny. or the "Keep God out of California" one was pretty funny. you just have to keep watching it.

i got a new CD today, Voodoo Glow Skulls. they're a ska band. pretty cool. they sing two songs in spanish too. i should let mr. bickel borrow it for his spanish class. which reminds me...

i went to a movie today with kim, jenna, julie, coryn, and some of jenna's friends. the thing is, we just happened upon seeing mr. bickel. and i think he was with another guy. or at least when i saw him there was another man walking next to him. it could just be that i happened to look at the instant some other guy was walking past also holding a coffee because they were near starbucks or something... but then you also have to take into account that he seemed to be rushing to pass us when we saw him... makes me wonder... i've heard the rumors that he is gay, but then i rationalized them away. but now... im not quite sure. none-the-less he's still one of the best teachers i've ever had.

i dont wanna march today... i have a freakin parade in less than 9 hours. and i still need to iron my uniform and pin on all my crap... as of right now, it is... 1:16 A.M. and i need to be in school no later than 8 A.M. which leaves me with about 6 hours and 30 minutes or so to get my stuff ready and put it on and get some shut-eye. oh well, no rest for the procrastinators on game day i see.

oh yeah, i also went to go see legen of bagger vance. im not quite sure if it was a good movie or what... but.. i mean, the movie went by pretty fast for 2 hours and 7 minutes, but it wasnt really an "ohh ahh" movie that i've been seeing lately. so im not quite sure how to judge it. its also not a movie that makes you think like the matrix. but i mean... im not really sure. this sucks.

Voodoo Glow Skulls. aint that a cool name?

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