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2000-11-12 - 04:02:04

i got to see someone pass out today. it was kinda cool. heather tsufis(sp?) she just passed out today. like, boom, she fell. i guess she had her knees locked cause she gained consciousness like really fast so i assume she just didnt have blood in her head. so yeah, that was kinda cool. and i almost won o'grady today. but i turned a little too much or too little so i lost to leo. it was a good match though. o'grady is like simon says only w/ military commands like left face or right face etc.

that was about that for the parade.

yep, thats about all i did today that was productive.

i slept a lot too. but i didnt sleep this morning all that much. i slept at like 330 am and woke up at 730. so yeah... i hate rotc. so much waking up early and stuff. it sucks.

yeah... that was my day. i go now. peaches.

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