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2000-11-13 - 01:52:49

if you havent, go read my previous entry titled "URGENT UPDATE"

and if you have previously read blairs diary, then i have this to say to melissa, darsie, and jenna. go beat up the president. no, on second thought, i say we should just impeach her. shes just been a bad president since the twilight pep rally. her wavering support for our class is just not what we need the year before our senior year when so much of the planning we are doing is preparing for our senior year. waving the senior class pompom, then, believe it or not, today i said i should get her a blow up doll for x-mas (more like xxx-mas if your blair). she said she wanted it. for what? i do not know. and i do not want to know either. and then the comment about the three of you fine females? i say that is the last straw. i feel that we should impeach her and appoint another president.

but then again... thats just me and no one really likes what i say.

other than that, today was pretty boring.

i did get a new pair of shoes. New Balance 713's. they're white and orange mostly i think. and they have reflective tape too! i like reflective tape. its shinny.

i also saw jackass today. i love that show. its so dope. i hope they have a jackass marathon one day... okay, thats it. peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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