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2000-11-14 - 01:30:44

dudes! i am so stoked out right now. (okay, i know "stoked out" is kinda a stupid phrase, but you know what? suck my left cheek). i just got a new Rage CD. and damn... its fucking live and rare shit! dude, rage live kicks ass. and dude, zach swears so much in some of his monologues. i mean, he just goes off. like one he calls clinton a "fuckin' dixie crap clinton, whoever that fuckin prick is." dudes, he just goes off all about this and that... its fuckin unreal. and damn... like i've said before, rage sounds awesome live. sometimes i think its better live than recorded. unlike metallica who likes to tour live, but they sound better in the studio. limp bizkit kinda suck live. but rage man... they rock live.

but oddly enough, i've had the last guitar rif of "smells like teen spirit" by nirvana stuck in my head all day. i mean, its a cool rif, but it gets annoying when you dont know the rest of the song. mostly due to it being unintelligible.

whoa, dudes, i had like a weird day today. i spent most of my time in rotc working on the computers. i had to hook up this tower unit to a monitor. so i hook it up, and then i find out that the mouse doesnt work. but we continue on. then i find out that i need to load the windows 98 CD. so i go and look for it. after a few minutes, major finds it for me so i go back to load it... "dude... no... theres no CD-ROM!" so we go and look for a disk version. we find a Win 95. but guess what. its still asking for a Win 98 CD. noooo. and this one had a pentium chip in it too. dude, life sucks.

and then after school, i have to hook up another computer in place of the tower unit that just wouldnt work. so i actually got that one to work. but the mouse doesnt work cause the mouse port is different than the one on the end of the cord so fuck that. but i know the key board commands, so it worked to an extent. i was feeling smart after that. then major gave me the task of hooking up one of the other previously working computers to the TV for a power point presentation. dudes... guess what. i got the power point to work, i got the tv-to-computer port to plug into the tv, but there wasnt any port on the tower unit for the plug. so then we try to use the cable hook up from the VCR-to-TV. that didnt go over too well either. i felt all defeated after that... so i left to go wallow in my sorrows. i didnt feel so smart anymore.

but yeah... that was my day. so im done here. peaches.

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