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2000-11-15 - 02:11:16

dude, today was so cool.

in period 2, me and leo went up to the library for something about rotc, and while we were waiting, i glanced out the window, and i say some dude in the trees tearing shit from it.

and then! in period 3! im doing work (not really, but we'll just say i am), and then outta the corner of my eye i see a head comming up from the wall by lusk's class! y'know that wall outside of the door way and theres the palm tree? well, yah, he was climbing it! and he just came outta no where, so i get nicole to watch him climb it too! it was so cool. and then for almost the rest of the class period, im watching the stuff hes ripping off the tree fall down! lusk asked me what the fuck i was doing so i tried to explain it to her, but she didnt really catch on.

but it was dang cool!

oh! dude! guess what my dad bought!

HE BOUGHT A FUCKING DVD PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i've been waiting for one of those things since like forever. but its so cool cause we bought the damn thing with money from rebates only too. hows that?!? we didnt really sped much of any money on the damn thing.

and tonight, i was trying to listen to the same song on two CD players that were performed live, so each was different. it was kinda cool, i had one CD player and another and one side of the head phone on one ear and the other ear phone in my other ear. so there i was playing w/ two CD players listening to the same song, only, it was different. and i found out that one is 3 minutes longer than the other. and its the same freakin song too! that was neato. okay well im done now. peaches.

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