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2000-11-17 - 04:05:45

i hate rotc. i really hate the freakin people in it. well not all of them, but some of them. shits like shing. fuckin bitch trying to tell me what to do. im fucking ryan okuno. i dont need her to tell me shit. i mean, shes a fuckin dumb ass bitch whore who cant speak english just like the rest of her friends. fucking bitch. i hope she has an interesting life.

i went to the freshman aquantance thing tonight. it took up all my night. i got to wash dishes. that was fun. i also talked with paige. shes a freshman who also is a metal head so it was cool.

dammit. fucking uniform day tomorrow.

so tired. i hate being awake sometimes.

i also watched titan a.e. today. finally! i got to see it. i've wanted to see that movie ever since i first saw the 30 sec. preview for it. i remember it too! i dont remember what movie, but i remember the events at that instant.

i was at a movie with erin before we were going out. and there we were in the top row, center seats. my old seats. and so we were watching the previews and then, boom. i saw it. it just struck me. when it was over, i turned to erin: "we have to see that movie." but it never was. i think it came out but i was busy the preview day and we just never got around to seeing it. tsk on me. not following up on my word. oy...

okay, well, thats all i remember of today. peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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