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2000-11-18 - 01:41:51

dudes... i think we all need to bow our heads in the memory of kim's grandfather. sure, i never met the guy, but still... we owe it to kim and her family as her friends.






our blessings go to your grandfather kim.

man, today started off really badly. i got out of the car and i notice that everyone was by the concession stand. dammit! the instructors arent here. frigit. and then, as im walking on the track looking for not muddy places to step in, i step in one that sinks my foot in. so my shoe got all muddy. keep in mind that im wearing my uniform so i got my nice shoes dirty. frick. so i was angry for most of the morning about that.

then, my math test. i didnt even finish it. oh shit...

and then my fucking english test. the lit test fucked me over. i went from a b---- to a c-. shit. stupid fucking thing dropped me a whole fuckin 7%. argh...

and then i find out that eric fugisihge got promoted to a fuckin sergeant first class (E-7) just for fuckin bringing in canned goods to rotc. fuck, i brought some fucking canned goods into english, where the fuck is my promotion? shit. hes a fuckin senior non-commissioned officer now. that means hes got a little bit more pull. what the fuck yo?

and then, i realize that i dont fucking have shoes to change into after school. so until dae won took me home at say... 530, i couldnt change out of my uniform. frack...

around 6, me, mori, dae won, and tien went to aloha pool hall. we played about an hour of pool and then we were playing on the machines. we ended up playing for about an hour and a half that picture matching game. that ended about 830 when dae won and tien had to leave. so yeah, that was my night.

damn... i have to go put my fucking lamps on my ribbons for the military ball. *groan* plus i gotta get a new white long-sleeved colared shirt too and make sure i know where my bow tie is and shine my shoes up real nice too. so much to do for one night. *groan* okay, peaches.

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