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2000-11-21 - 01:17:06

dude... the freakin power went out today. it was fun, i walked down to carlie's house and we walked up the street when the lights came on. we were looking at the few more stars we could see. it was cool. i like the stars.

i was also wearing this cool jumper reece gave me. i had my boots too from a drill performance we had today for another japanese high school, so it was good fun. i was walking around in my boots and in my jumper all day. i was all grease monkey looking. it was neat. and they're rather comfortable too.

i also saw yusef today. hes funny. he said that ever since he got his GED, hes had a lot of time on his hands. his schedules all off, hes gotten used to sleeping at 4 am and not waking up till god knows when. it sounds like a lot of fun.

argh... i hate peer ed. stupid fucking thing tomorrow.

argh... i hate rotc. fucking military ball comming up too fast. fuckin... i gotta figure out my schedule cause it fuckin depends on mori. if he doesnt wanna go bowling afters, then me and shannon cant go bowling. and i also have to find out if gen's gonna go bowling, and kerins all bitchy at me cause im bitchin at her about not talking to leo who's obviously not gonna talk to her. im just trying to fuckin get them squared away, but since none of them bother to talk to eachother... then i cant do it for them either. fuck it all. i hate the military ball. peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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