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2000-11-22 - 01:53:43

dudes... i can sum up today in one phrase: freshmen piss the fucking shit outta me.

at the guidance field day, i had the "red rats"- its part of the organization of the thingy, they break everyone up into color/animal groups for the peer educators (me)- and in my (more actually me and jonlynn's group) we had this one stupid fucking fat ass loud sonuvabitch shit head. i swear to god, she's gotta be the loudest, fattest, ugliest, stupidest turd in the freshmen class.

we had to do the lava crossing thing where you got the boards and you gotta get across without touching the "lava" and well, she got across with one of the earlier groups, and then she walks back across to coach them from the side she just came from, which means that she cheated. so i told her to go back on the otherside in a kind considerate manner. what the fuck does she do? she fucking gives me lip! i wanted to fucking kick her right there, and it woulda worked too cause i had my boots on. i so swear to god i wanted to beat the shit outta her. just slap her up good. kick her a few times too.

and then, later on during that activity, she gives me more lip. and then i really being to start to lose it. when she wasnt looking, i did that thing where you act like your gonna kick them, but you stop short of actually connecting. im sure i could've gotten into a lot of shit for that one. but hey, what the fuck right? when youre angry, youre angry.

and she kept calling me sir. no matter how many times i told her not to call me sir, she kept doing it. and then she called me sergeant. i told her not to call me that either and just stopped listening to her and walked away. i so wanted to fucking bitch her ass out and show her whos the fucking boss. but then im sure i wouldve gotten into some pretty deep shit. and i dont need that.

and there was this other freshmen there. he thought he was pretty funny, but his antics got old real fast. he just had to sit next to me on the bus ride back. the time when i wanted to sleep. more. stupid freshmen.

today was a great waste of time. i spent the whole day quite. i hardly spoke. i think blair and kristen both asked if i was okay. oh, jonlynn too. i guess it seemed as if i was fucked or something. no, i wasnt fucked, i wasnt stoned (not that i would've minded), i wasnt drunk (wouldnt have minded that either), i wasnt angry (at the beginning), i was just tired and didnt really wanna be there. i really hate peer ed.

to deal with it, i had to wait till lunch time. at lunch time i ate last, but that was fine with me. then i ate alone, which was actually better because i think to company of people wouldn't have worked out for me too well. and then i slept. i had my CD player the whole time too so that was perfect. there was a bench in the park that no one was using after everyone finished eating, so i went over there with my jacket and CD player, i lied (is that the proper word? i didnt do so well on the "lie-lay" test, someone tell me) down on the bench and crashed. or at least tried to. kaycee woke me up once when she hit my tummy, and jasmine woke me up once wondering if i was okay, and joey woke me up once thinking i was a bum sleeping on the beach. but oh well. at least i got some sleep.

oh yeah, and as for that fat, stupid, ugly, bitch turd, mrs. dudoit doesnt like her either. she has her in her class and when i was talking to her about how the day was going, she commented on it too. she said that she doesnt like her either, so it was coo'. i hate stupid, fat, ugly, people. not because they're fat and ugly, but because they have the key ingredient of stupid. i hate anyone stupid. well, then again, joey and cindy are just plain funny. i guess i should say i hate stupid-annoying people. they really piss me off. stupid-annoying is a really bad blend. its like that atomic blend of coffee that no one likes. it just hits you so hard in the face, that if it does so early in the morning, when your not really prepared for life, it'll just ruin you for the day. its not quite as bad as if it were to hit you in the middle of the day, but if it gets you early on, then you've lost it for the whole day. stupid-annoying should be banned from breeding.

well, that was my day. how was yours? peaches.

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